EFT is an energy psychology technique known as Tapping. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique (Gary Craig; 1995, Roger Callahan; 1979). The goal of tapping is to release negative emotions and beliefs, uncover a new energetic and emotional layer of yourself by doing so, and instill healthier, more supportive belief systems.
Your mind and body will be more receptive to this new belief system because you have opened yourself up through the first round of tapping. The more rounds you do, the deeper the healing goes. This is why it is so effective to have at least one personalized tapping session with a professional.
Your tapping guide will identify and understand all layers of the presenting issue (physical, cognitive, energetic, emotional and spiritual). He/she will then lead you through the tapping points with each statement being intuitively generated. As you tap, the professional will check in with how you are feeling.
Each tapping sequence brings up emotions or beliefs that strike a chord within the client. These emotions and beliefs are then addressed in the next sequence. Typically, in my experience, the core issues and/or beliefs are truly realized during Round 3.
Having personalized practitioner attention, to process and determine the core issue, is key. It’s also very supportive for you because sometimes it can be very emotional and eye-opening. To have someone with you for comfort and direction provides a sense of safety, which only magnifies the shift through tapping.


EFT involves tapping on certain acupressure points of the body while simultaneously verbalizing statements of release and affirmation. At each session, the client will be asked to identify what he/she would like to release. It could be an issue or situation in their lives, relationship difficulty, emotional instability, or blocks/obstacles the person feels.

The area to be released is reflecting stuck energy; that thick, sticky energy that will not loosen up, no matter how hard you try. Tapping breaks up the stickiness.


The tapping points used to access this meridian are:

  •  The karate chop point (outside of the hand, between the end of the pinky & the wrist)
  • Above the eyebrows
  • The outside of the eye sockets
  • Under the eyes
  • Above the center of the top lip
  • The center of the chin
  • Just below each collarbone
  • About 4 inches below each armpit
  • Tapping the insides of each wrist together (some practitioners don’t use this one)
  • The top of the center of the head

These points are also well described and demonstrated in a video here.

Sequences begin with tapping the karate chop point with 1, 2, 3, or 4 fingers, whatever is most comfortable (the more the better). You can apply as much pressure as you would like to feel the effects. I tend to be an aggressive tapper ;-D but you may want to take it easy when first starting out. If you’re following a practitioner (instead of doing it yourself), you will repeat the phrases of the practitioner while tapping on the appropriate point.

For instance, the first point (karate chop) may be: “Even though I am furious right now, I completely love and accept myself.” The second statement may be: “Even though I feel the heat rising in my body, I know this is a temporary sensation.” Moving onto the next tapping point (above the eyebrows), the statement could be: “All of this rage I have within me.” Next point (outside of the eyes), the statement could be: “I just want to scream and yell from the rooftops.” And so on… The first sequence, and sometimes more, include statements related to the negative emotion, energy or symptom wanting to be released, trying to embody it at all levels. After this/these round(s) of tapping are complete, the sequences of affirmations and new beliefs are spoken for each tapping point. For instance (above the eyebrows): “I now choose to release all of this anger inside of me”. Next point (outside of the eyes): “I am aware of the control and compassion I have within.” Next point (Under the eyes): “I choose to send forgiveness and love to this situation.” And so on… As in the initial rounds of releasing, multiple rounds of affirmations may be used. When clients purchase a personalized Tapping/EFT session with me, they also receive a worksheet for how to create their own tapping sequences. It’s a great bonus to continue this work on your own!



After an EFT cycle is complete, the client is asked to breathe deeply and tune into sensations in the body, mind and emotional body. If distress remains, the practitioner will continue with additional tapping cycles.

You may feel like your body is buzzing after a tapping session. You will definitely feel more relaxed and have more mental clarity. To sustain this feeling, you can consistently repeat the affirmations from the tapping session or commit to tapping 1-3 times a day, depending on your level of dis-ease. Free writing on the notable phrases used in EFT is also encouraged. It will only deepen your understanding of the subconscious thoughts that have been revealed. For free writing, just set a timer for 3-5 minutes and write whatever comes to your mind. No editing, analysis or concerns with grammar. Just write. Stream of consciousness.

The product of this writing could highlight even deeper content to tap or create an affirmation through (by reversing the statement/theme of the writing piece).

Finally, make sure to drink a lot of water and remain aware of any energy shifts after EFT, like fatigue, thirst, hunger, etc.