4 Key Reasons You Don’t Have What You Desire
Dec 12, 2022
You aren’t experiencing the intimacy, abundance, & freedom you desire because you’re missing at least one (or all) of these 4 keys.
1. You aren’t consistently practicing HUMILITY = bowing to the vision of your Higher power.
You are trying to control and fixate on the materialization of your agenda, rather than humbly bowing to and appreciating God’s bigger vision for you.
Without humility, you try to control everything with a tight grip, and no air can escape between your fingers. When you allow God’s vision to lead, things unfold with ease & even greater than you planned.
Where are you grasping onto control of your agenda/personal vision?
2. You’re glossing over REVERENCE = a deep honoring and immersion into the gratitude & enormity of God’s power within you.
You aren’t deeply immersing yourself in your personal practices. You’re checking them off your list, but not opening your field to profound reverence.
Without reverence, your creative energy will fizzle, & eventually short circuit like sputtering fumes when you roll into the gas station. When you deeply align with the infinite energy within you, you‘re naturally compelled to share from a space of love & overflow.
No force is required.
What’s unwavering & infinite behind what you’re temporarily creating?
3. You are not embodying PATIENCE = soothing your nervous system so it trusts deeply enough to rest in the space between.
You’re taking time to relax but you’re preoccupied with when your desire will make its way to you, shaking your leg with impatience.
Without patience, you’ll have up & down cycles that leave you frustrated & confused, like a tornado of options around you, at which you’re grasping to catch the fly. When you settle the fuck down, you invite what’s perfectly aligned, so you can conserve energy & vitality for what’s most important.
What do you most deeply VALUE?
4. You lack MOMENTUM = inspired action to bring your magic into form.
You don’t have momentum because you haven’t even taken that first step while you’re waiting on the ‘how’ or guaranteed outcome.
Without momentum, ideas just stay in your head and don’t grow & materialize so greater change can occur. It’s like planting the seed without watering or exposing it to sunshine, & wondering why things don’t go your way. When you consciously choose momentum, you show the universe you want more of that thing & expand your abundance!
What are you itching to share but it hasn’t taken form?
I am offering free 15min Connection Calls, where we can discuss your blocks with each of these concepts. Schedule one HERE.
Book an Akashic Records session if you would like to receive answers directly from your soul. You can ask 2-3 questions surrounding any area of your journey (emotional mastery, relationships, life direction/purpose, physical symptoms, career trajectory, and/or limiting beliefs) or your healing/therapy business. Come with an open heart and you will always receive clear and efficient guidance on what you're meant to integrate at this time, according to divine perspective.
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