Conviction Is A Frequency
Jul 25, 2024
Conviction is a frequency.
It’s a frequency we embody when the awareness of our soul’s truth arises.
That truth can be anything. It doesn’t really matter what we’re convicted about in concrete form. The important part is choosing to be convicted.
That’s the frequency that actualizes momentum in our field. Our energy then moves in a directed way, toward the actualization of our soul’s urging.
Truth is an unfolding. Let’s not attach to what form it takes, or its final outcome, but recognize our soul’s truth as a blindingly present sensation we choose to be in constant communion with.
Welcome it in. Allow it to arrive. Create space for it to expand.
Our human can get caught up in the belief we must continue to “hold” this sensation or work to “recenter” in order to remain within or arrive at our truth.
On the contrary, our truth will be and will remain glaringly apparent the moment we choose to open to it and allow ourselves to BE that soul momentum/unfolding.
If you feel resistance in discovering or arriving at your truth, feel into the sensation of the full actualization of your truth’s frequency in your body.

Know that resistance is always there to show you more, like where you can expand (allow more than you imagined!) or where you are holding yourself back from embodying it (allow your soul to step forward)!
Your soul’s current truth can be as simple as loving where you are right now, and knowing that is exactly where you are supposed to be. And while you deeply revere this space as what is for you, you may STILL experience and bathe in desire for more. This does not diminish the truth you’ve claimed as yours.
In fact, it enhances your truth while opening a door for you to receive your greatest creations because you have actualized the frequency of conviction by claiming your truth regardless of circumstance.
Remember: desire seeds concrete creation with the momentum of your soul, and present truths were once deeply held desires that you’ve brought to form. Be proud of what you’ve made! Make more.
Invite yourself to embody the frequency of conviction as you bathe in your truth, claim desire, and nourish yourself for what is to come. It is all for you and of you.
If you would like to come into greater mastery of this process, join us for CONVICTED, a 2-hour masterclass on Zoom. We meet 8/1 at 7 pm EST. Read the details HERE.
Book an Akashic Records session if you would like to receive answers directly from your soul. You can ask 2-3 questions surrounding any area of your journey (emotional mastery, relationships, life direction/purpose, physical symptoms, career trajectory, and/or limiting beliefs) or your healing/therapy business. Come with an open heart and you will always receiveĀ clear and efficient guidance onĀ what you're meant to integrate at this time, according to divine perspective.
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