How to Create a Morning Routine that Actually Works for You
Dec 12, 2022
I have a confession to make.
I’ve mostly been the woman who grabs her phone each morning to check 1) if there are messages from the school before my kids head out for the day 2) if there are messages from my husband about our goings-on of the day since he goes to work before I rise or 3) if any of my loved ones have been in need overnight.
Which puts me in a space of doing rather than Being.
I know this intellectually. I have known this for a long while. I didn’t think it affected me and I still don’t think it affects me a ton, just in terms of my neurological system and dopamine hits.
However, choosing NOT to has been a game-changer.
1. I’m taking control of my intention for the day and deciding who I want to be, with God’s guidance, rather than just slipping into what’s available for me to respond to. I’m taking an active versus passive role in my creation.
2. I am listening to what my body desires to do so much more clearly than I already do. It wants to move in a certain way, feel certain sensations, and feel into raw, deep connection and intimacy before the day even begins. This happens in person, not through a screen.
3. It allows me to have clarity on what God desires to be expressed through me that day rather than the shiny objects and distractions that muddy the waters. Do you want clarity between your intuition and your ego? This is your answer. Before your ego engages, get that clarity.
I’ll give you my process this morning so you can see how this plays out:
I wake up and smile, feeling the warmth of the blankets and the comfort of the bed beneath me.
I think The Universe woke me early. I should do my practices. I reach out to grab my phone to turn on a meditation. And then I stop. That’s technology, Laura. You can connect with Spirit quietly, on your own.
I turn back over and snuggle myself in deeper, wondering if I might go back to sleep. I tune in and try to bring through messages but my body is restless. My body wants to be honored, so I honor her for a while. I switch positions and, again, smile at how comforting it is.
I wonder what the weather’s going to be like today. I should check. No, Laura, that’s grabbing your phone. The weather is what it is. You’ll determine that as you go through your day.
I connect to Spirit again. The downloads start flowing in as inspiration for the day. I should write this down. My hands aren’t awake enough yet to grab my pen and write but I don’t want to open my phone. What if there’s something to respond to and then I’m in response mode?
I smile at myself. I roll over again. Now my body is a little restless. If I put on my coziest sweatshirt when I wake up, I will feel a similar sensation to when I’m in bed. The comfort of my meditation room will add to that.
So I get up. Should I grab my journal? No, I really don’t feel like handwriting quite yet. I want to pull a card. That feels right. It always gives me the most loving wisdom to set my intentions.
I put in my contacts so I feel more awake and draw the 4 directions and elements in essential oils on my upper heart space, reciting:
East is Earth
North is Air
West is Water
South is Fire
I do this 3 times. I put on my coziest sweatshirt and receive the aroma of my EOs as it wafts up from the gap in my sweatshirt. The name of this blend is Transformation.
I walk down the hallway to my meditation room and pull a card. I remember the magic that’s available to me with each moment and each breath. I sink deeply into this wisdom and allow it to be my truth for this day. I start to write…
It can feel hard to make the choices we know are in alignment with a higher state of being.
When you make the choice intentionally, it has so much more staying power. I’m not choosing this because I don’t feel well and I’m trying to build myself up. I’m not choosing this because it gets me into receiving mode so people sign up for my programs.
I’m choosing this because it makes me feel so amazing — so free, intimately connected, more like my true self than ever, and in much less need of attaching to my phone to see if someone needs a reply, if someone signed up for something, and to provide me with purpose for the day.
I have the purpose right there within me. That’s the cleanest, rawest, most unwavering, and aligned purpose, and it guides my heart through every interaction with the unconditionally loving eyes of God.
As a result, I’m more patient, more understanding, immediately see the divinity in others, and flow through my day like there’s not a care in the world.
This is the kind of pace I love. I am not available for being dictated to by technology, others, or my egoic fears and agenda.
I am the master of my life experience and I claim that now and each day forward.
Ready to dive deeper? Contact me HERE. I have a number of opportunities that will take you to the next level.
Enjoy this quick, 5-minute tapping for empowerment — this is a perfect tapping to add to your morning routine and add some confidence to your day! Watch it HERE.
Book an Akashic Records session if you would like to receive answers directly from your soul. You can ask 2-3 questions surrounding any area of your journey (emotional mastery, relationships, life direction/purpose, physical symptoms, career trajectory, and/or limiting beliefs) or your healing/therapy business. Come with an open heart and you will always receiveĀ clear and efficient guidance onĀ what you're meant to integrate at this time, according to divine perspective.
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