Responding with Love (No Matter What)

Aug 25, 2024

 Every moment is a new and different moment in time.

What’s worked before is not always going to work now.

Tune into the energy of each moment. Insert a pause to receive (current energy and your Higher Power).

Be fully present, with your internal experience and the environment around you.

Respond from a natural space of where the energy is calling you, by sharing your own reflection and perspective (or remaining in observation if you’re called).

You get to respond from a space of alignment within you, with who you are, desire to be, and are becoming. So you can rest your head on the pillow knowing you’ve honored your softened truth.

The only curveball with sensing the energy of a situation can be patterned nervous system responses that make you think you know how to handle things based on previous experience.

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Repatterning the Nervous System

Previous experience can be a limiting belief that prevents us from expanding. It can be a limiting belief if it arrests or freezes you.

We can only expand as far as we are willing to see. If we cannot see beyond what we’ve experienced, we will continue to repeat it.

We feel the uncomfortable nature of the nervous system response and want to return to the known (settling into “comfort” of prior experience). And we also feel the call of following the energy, or witnessing the energy.

That call is always new. We are presented with experience continuously until we have seen and integrated the relevant aspects of its minutiae. Consciously or not.

This often feels uncomfortable. This often feels unsteady as it’s a road less traveled by your human. But this is nonetheless a surrender to the flow of one and all. It is an honest receipt of your observation.

Even if it’s a similar experience to one you’ve had before, or a different experience but a similar internal sensation, you’re receiving a new kind of medicine. Each lesson is a fresh one (beginner’s mind) and it’s sourced from divine Love.

Your response is no longer framed by the dictation of your emotion crafted from experience. It is no longer how you believe you must respond to the human for an optimal result, based on any myriad of things (your prior experience, a societal standard, a role you’ve adopted, what you want).

It is your soul that witnesses and serves in each moment when you’re in a space of honoring the energy. Without thought, without experience, with full presence and purity of intention. And you get to rest in the soul so you’re not efforting to figure things out when your nervous system feels activated.

Past energy is housed within you. It is part of your current energy, along with where you are now and who you’re becoming. So it has evolved, right along with you.

We welcome the lessons of prior experience into the unknown realm of infinite possibility and endless permutation. When we do this, we become one with all iterations of ourselves and those we choose to receive.

Trust that the current energy is an evolved response if you’re leading from a space of love, softness, and spacious, patient, and deliberate discernment. This space is the integration of multiple versions of you.

Photo by NADER AYMAN on Unsplash

Release the Narrative

There is no blueprint for how to manage “this relationship” or “that situation” or “this type of person.” There is only presence with what is being offered to you energetically (both within and externally).

Notice the pause when you are engaging in full presence. This is the gap between nervous system reactivity and intentional, expansive response (for the benefit of you and your environment).

And you can say, “Laura, what about the douche bag that always treats me like shit?” I say follow the above (and below šŸ˜‚) because your discernment is always sharpening, and your responses will shift and evolve, as you continue to remain present in the moments you engage with this person.*

So you will know. You will more rapidly recognize the energy you don’t desire to engage with and you’ll respond accordingly, with grace, putting space (e.g., a breath) in place.

Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

Trust Yourself

There’s no established template. Each moment is a unique blend of energies and new opportunity to witness.

Allow the energy of this moment to have its space to arrive fully into your awareness.

Give it its due. Cherish its brilliance and unfolding wisdom. Life always has more to show you.

Let this be an exercise to receive, from living your life as your soul designed. It’s all sourced from the divine. It’s all a gift for the evolution of your highest timeline. Remain curious and eager.

And the discomfort that may arise as you shift the nervous system pattern and feel frustrated with “stifling” (aka rewiring) the automatic reaction?

Babe, it’s rooted in self-doubt/shame. It’s rooted in proving energy, and ultimately this is about proving yourself to yourself. That you’re a good human, a good partner, a good parent, a good friend, a good daughter/son, or a good worker. That you can handle hard shit.

Hold yourself in compassionate reverence, knowing you are evolving into greater awareness, consciousness, and self love/appreciation.

Remove the labels and expectations for yourself and you will witness them dissolving for others. This comes more readily when you begin to trust the sensations of your centered discernment and share your light.

Your light has no edges, no judgments, no formula for “success.”

Share your love. Share your wisdom if the energy calls, with gentleness and nonattachment.

How it’s received is not your responsibility. How you’re received is not your responsibility.

Your only responsibility is to live in your highest integration of self and soul, to acknowledge and receive the highest intelligence and invitations of the universe. Your path and others’ will unfold from the energetic seeds planted for both (whether acted upon now or when it feels right).

Stay present. Receive the seeds (with softness). They’re always being offered to you. Every moment holds codes of creation for your next evolution. And they’re always sourced from Love, and deep faith in who you’re becoming.

*Obviously, this isn’t the approach if you’re in an unsafe situation in the 3D.

To fully integrate self and soul, join us in Akashic Immersion starting 9/5/24.

Book an Akashic Records session if you would like to receive answers directly from your soul. You can ask 2-3 questions surrounding any area of your journey (emotional mastery, relationships, life direction/purpose, physical symptoms, career trajectory, and/or limiting beliefs) or your healing/therapy business. Come with an open heart and you will always receiveĀ clear and efficient guidance onĀ what you're meant to integrate at this time, according to divine perspective.

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