Shifting Revenge Energy

Sep 10, 2024

My youngest daughter, Madelyn, developed a pattern of revenge energy. She wanted to get people back that were mean to her. 


She’s had her fair share of bullying experiences and clearly needed to release some deep fear, anger, and hurt.


I encouraged her to let it out, to a loved one, Source, or in writing/drawing, and/or move her body and scream a little.


I reminded her that releasing this energy really lightens how we feel and offers others the freedom to have their own path (aka detachment from their own projections).


I also asked Madelyn, “Do you really want someone else to hold power over how you feel?”


Maddy: “No way, mom.”😂💪🏻


It’s an abstract concept for a 9y/o but it’s wild how much these kids get, and spit back out when you least expect it!


We’ve already been through the empathic understanding that these people have their own internal experience we know nothing about (and it’s not our business). 


We’ve also tried the ignoring route, but this doesn’t work when 1) it’s persistent, 2) your heart is so big that you truly desire to connect with and reach these people, and 3) your soul mission is so expansive that you are meant to speak out about a new way of interrelating. 


Maddy has a bold voice. She’s afraid to use it some of the time, and is learning how to cultivate it with more gentle impact. She feels squirmy and uncomfortable when she speaks out against what feels like injustice to her character…and she’s also one of the few in her age group that is willing to do so.


I’m so proud of her. I’m proud of her huge heart. I’m proud of her deep wisdom. I’m proud of her open expression. I’m proud of her empathic nature. I’m proud of her feisty intolerance of injustice😂. I’m proud of her recognizing the need for her own space.


We know these experiences are here to strengthen Madelyn and offer her lessons of wisdom at a young age. She is unbelievably loving and offering of her heart, and we are teaching her to be discerning about who gets access to the enormity of her love.


We can all benefit from these reminders and I was being called to share this with you today.


This quote from Buddha immediately came to mind and was an excellent guide as I was present with her:


"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”


Honor what you feel, release in whatever way you’re called, and remember how much power you have to create your own reality. 


Next steps: Funnel all this energy into momentum, creativity, and advocacy. The world needs your vigor! Onward and upward baby 💫🔥🙌🤍!

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