Stop Apologizing!
Dec 12, 2022
“Sorry it took so long.”
“Sorry I didn’t get back to you.”
“Sorry I couldn’t come.”
Your soul isn’t sorry…OWN it.
Honestly, I’ve been catching myself on the top two lately. Why are you drawn to apologize? Because ideally, you don’t want this person to be mad at you and to damage the relationship. Is it because you really value the relationship or you’re trying to keep the peace?
It would be much more authentic for you to enter into a reply with the stance, “I’m so grateful to have this connection with you and the opportunity to respond when the energy is most aligned.”
If you truly desire to have gotten back to this person sooner because you tune into your core values, and this relationship takes high priority, then you show up with a mindset of, “I’m so grateful I was able to remember who and what I truly value so I can turn my attention toward it more consistently.”
Can you feel the difference in the energy of these statements vs shrinking yourself in apology, shame, and over-explaining yourself? That creates a power dynamic in the relationship that I’m pretty sure you don’t want to sign up for.
Honestly, a big piece of this is owning your own importance, your own legacy: “I am a big-hearted person of service who is gracefully led to whatever is in my highest good at that moment.”
It’s OK if it isn’t that person who is dying to hear back from you.
When you approach things softly, from a space of confidence and love, nothing they can say or do will distract you from your path. And you get to know more about how they operate based on their reaction.
They may be anxiously attached to receiving a response from you. Serving your energy first allows you to share abundantly from your overflow, and you rushing to meet their needs disempowers their opportunity to heal themselves.
It’s best for them to truly understand you and how you tick, to encourage the most authentic, long-lasting, soul-level connection. If they know you deeply, they won’t even question it because your intentions are always in the right place, and as a vessel of service, you allow the winds to blow where they may and you follow the guidance of the Universe.
When you follow the nudge of Spirit, consistently, there is no apology, justification, mistakes, or shame. Everything is unfolding exactly as it is meant to and each decision moves you closer to fulfilling your highest purpose.
Let ’em call you flaky or snobby: You know you’re coming from a space of softness and connection to a higher purpose that many humans don’t fully understand. If they’re open to understanding, share your path!
If not, it’s ok. The Universe has your back. Focus on cultivating that relationship, first and foremost. All will follow naturally from there and you can’t go wrong. Allowing others to have their tantrums is the most empowering thing you can do for them, and you!
Book an Akashic Records session if you would like to receive answers directly from your soul. You can ask 2-3 questions surrounding any area of your journey (emotional mastery, relationships, life direction/purpose, physical symptoms, career trajectory, and/or limiting beliefs) or your healing/therapy business. Come with an open heart and you will always receiveĀ clear and efficient guidance onĀ what you're meant to integrate at this time, according to divine perspective.
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