The 3 Keys to Managing Restless Energy
Dec 12, 2022
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had much trouble staying still as a human. I’m kind of a wiggly Pete, which is great because it means I always have something creative up my sleeve.
However, it’s also why I developed chronic illness, so I would sit my as$ down and get to the real business of my soul in this lifetime.
Without an intimate understanding of how my energy operated, I didn’t have the right avenue to express my creativity, which can leave you feeling trapped and like a victim of your own passionate, restless energy.
Honestly, I’ve always known I’m meant for more but couldn’t put my finger on it. (Years of therapy and my own path-carving kept me fabulous but didn’t introduce me to phenomenal.)
Once you develop mental health and physical symptoms, you can easily go down a distracting rabbit hole to fix the problem. Then you’re even further from your truth.
Instead, let’s tackle the root of the issue from the get-go.
Start with listening.
First, to your body.
Most often, symptoms begin with fatigue. Fatigue is a cue for deepening your connection to yourself so you have a clear understanding of what’s going on. Your body wants to spend more time with you!
Second, to your heart.
Your heart wants to be in intimate conversation with you! How often do you listen for longer than a moment?
Third, to your soul.
Your soul desires to merge more fully with you! And to create the most elated life experience!
To truly accomplish all of the above with sustained success, you need to be STILL. Which takes practice…and patience (especially for neurodivergent humans!)
“Well, I don’t have the patience! I don’t want to be still!” Ok, so discover how your body desires to move through these steps in your own unique way.
You can totally pave a personalized path for yourself AND approach this from a space of prevention so you can start with a clean slate. (Pro Tip: To be preventive, so you don’t need to experience fatigue in the first place, do these steps in reverse order, consistently.)
Clarify the channel of your body, heart, and soul by joining me for Akashic Reiki attunements.
What is Akashic Reiki?
Reiki is an unconditionally loving, universal energy that clears the physical body, so you can heal yourself, plants, animals, spaces, and objects. It’s also a comprehensive class on energy and energy healing, including how it works and moves within you and the universe.
Book an Akashic Records session if you would like to receive answers directly from your soul. You can ask 2-3 questions surrounding any area of your journey (emotional mastery, relationships, life direction/purpose, physical symptoms, career trajectory, and/or limiting beliefs) or your healing/therapy business. Come with an open heart and you will always receiveĀ clear and efficient guidance onĀ what you're meant to integrate at this time, according to divine perspective.
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