The Codes Released From My Body

Aug 01, 2024

I was getting a massage, and precise awareness and emotion came forward that I was clearly meant to see.


I let myself be with it, sink into it. As the tissue hydrates and opens, the rigidity that’s been held begins to soften and release.


I realized how much I’ve been holding, carrying, keeping things “together,” inadvertently. 


None of what I’ve been concretely carrying came into conscious awareness. It was just a knowing.


Enough of a knowing to feel immense gratitude for the awareness and to remember/redecide that I am not available for holding, carrying, or keeping things “together.”


I trust. I flow. Trying is not in my vocabulary and, as soon as I feel it or see it, I relax, surrender, and return to my soul.


I create space. I take full responsibility for deep self compassion, more BEing instead of doing, and honoring my peace first and foremost. 


In the past, I’ve oscillated between choosing peace or joy, peace or elation, peace or adventure. Until I realized I don’t have to choose. All of it gets to exist at once. When I choose peace consistently, my nervous system and soul are both honored, and joy, elation, and adventure naturally extend from there.


Sometimes peace doesn’t look like peace as you’d traditionally define it. Everyone’s peace looks and feels different. 


I’m more at peace channeling Spirit than I am in meditation. I’m more at peace out in nature than moving my body indoors. I’m more at peace holding my loved ones closely than being alone for extended periods (even though I’m a serious introvert).



Peace doesn’t have to equate to stillness and alone time. Peace can be quite active and animated. It’s the feeling of peace internally that highlights where your nervous system desires to land and find rest. 


It is in that opening that your soul arrives to speak and expand its space within you. It is in that expanded divinity that you access sustainable clarity and convicted truth. 


I AM truth. I embody deep truth. I forward truth through my BEing. There is no going backwards to Where did I lose sight of this? Why have I taken all of this on without full awareness? 


Those are questions that take me into lack. That take me into doubt and shame. That take me further from knowing what I AM. I love all of me. Always. All iterations. 


I am a walking expression of sacred medicine. And so are you. 


Where do you find peace in your body? When/with whom/where does this come alive? Remain in observation if this answer does not come easily. Your body will show you when you set the intention for peace as a top priority.

Book an Akashic Records session if you would like to receive answers directly from your soul. You can ask 2-3 questions surrounding any area of your journey (emotional mastery, relationships, life direction/purpose, physical symptoms, career trajectory, and/or limiting beliefs) or your healing/therapy business. Come with an open heart and you will always receiveĀ clear and efficient guidance onĀ what you're meant to integrate at this time, according to divine perspective.

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