The Full Moon in Aquarius is Arriving!

Aug 13, 2024

The Full Moon in Aquarius is arriving! The peak of this energy is 8/19. I already feel it creeping in, understandably with the powerful energy it brings.

Aquarius energy moves. It’s in the natural flow of the soul but it moves. This can arise as restless energy and a need for movement. This is your soul navigating toward your highest expression.

Listen to the body’s restlessness during this time. Let it be a cue for some sort of movement (e.g., Qi Gong, breathwork in nature, walking, yoga, chanting, singing, drumming, stretching, swimming, hiking, or your favorite booty shake), and allow the energy to invite your body into flow.

The subtleties of your energy will guide you, and be easily felt, when you intentionally practice, and sink into the depths of, presence.

Presence with yourself may feel undesirable with the wealth of emotions arising under this cosmic sky. Uranus is in the mix which can shine light on areas that no longer fortify your highest timeline.

Let your soul be your compass. When you choose to repeatedly turn to Source, or the soul within, you will access:

  • Your natural energetic flow
  • Centeredness
  • Enhanced Presence
  • Clear direction

If you find it hard to connect with your soul during chaotic emotions or sensations, call in the nourishment of Mother Earth through your feet (or plant them on the ground).

If you’re like me and err on the blah side with this energy, surprise yourself with something inspirational and exciting!

Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

And don’t get all caught up in learning/reading high-level concepts, doing all the things on your list, or trying to dismiss what you feel. These are all of the mind and nervous system. Your soul is your anchor right now (and always).


  1. Practice presence so your body’s sensations can easily guide you into natural movement.
  2. Connect immersively and intimately with your soul (or Mother Earth).
  3. Surprise yourself with something inspirational and exciting!

Combining these practices will sharpen your intuitive discernment, which expands your consciousness, self-compassion, and divine embodiment. And don’t we all want to adopt higher, more loving perspective for ourselves and others?

Enjoy these Full Moon vibes!



P.S. ~ My membership’s monthly Full Moon ceremony posts on 8/19, right when the moon peaks! Read about all the perks of this space HERE.

To cultivate deep intimacy with your soul and navigate your own Akashic Records, attuning to the frequency of the Akash, join us in Akashic Immersion starting 9/5/24:

To be held in person for potent, concentrated, and entirely customized expansion, read about the To Be Well Loved Retreat here (9/13–9/17/24 in The Berkshires, MA):

Book an Akashic Records session if you would like to receive answers directly from your soul. You can ask 2-3 questions surrounding any area of your journey (emotional mastery, relationships, life direction/purpose, physical symptoms, career trajectory, and/or limiting beliefs) or your healing/therapy business. Come with an open heart and you will always receiveĀ clear and efficient guidance onĀ what you're meant to integrate at this time, according to divine perspective.

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