Top 10 Ways to Kick Anxiety and Doubt Once and For All
Dec 12, 2022
I used to say I was just an anxious person and always would be. “It’s just part of my DNA. It’s just who I am.” This statement was made from a place of limited awareness. I did not yet know what opportunity was available to shift this once and for all.
I was in therapy on and off my whole life, read a bunch of self-help books, educated myself on the outside-of-the-box options, tried medication, and was still managing my anxiety on a day-to-day basis.
Enter The Akashic Records. I started with The Akashic Records for physical healing (when recovering from sepsis) but I received so much more. The Akashic Records eliminate doubt and anxiety by:
1. Tuning your entire field to the highest frequency, where dis-ease cannot exist.
2. Allowing you to deeply understand the purpose this anxiety and doubt is serving on your path.
3. Receiving guidance and direction from your Higher Self, the divinely intelligent, all-knowing, unwavering version of you
4. Clearing and healing the need for these symptoms in your life
5. Filling you with the highest form of unconditional love
6. Being available to you 24/7 so you can access resources from within your own Being — how empowering!
7. Offering specific and unique protocols for how you are meant to manage doubt and anxiety as they arise
8. Providing distinct clarity for those answers you’ve been so eager to find
9. Connecting with guides that are eager to cultivate a relationship and support you through whatever is coming up in your human
10. Shall I go on? The list is endless. Any other modality you use in the Records, like Reiki, tapping, breathwork, etc. amplifies results like they’re on steroids!
If you’re someone who has read a million self-help books, gone to therapy for years, journaled your ass off, and distracted the crap out of yourself, I highly encourage you to explore The Akashic Records.
I’ve been a therapist for almost 20 years: Clients of mine who have worked so hard to work through these things have literally had a light switch go off when they really learn and get to know this modality. It’s like night and day. Unreal how much change takes place when you work with this energy.
One of my Akashic Records Certification students was in tears the other day, saying that she will be forever grateful because this course has entirely changed her life. Goals she was afraid she would never meet in this lifetime have been reached in less than one year. She is thriving and describes her life as “amazing” now.
This is exactly why sharing The Akashic Records is my absolute mission. It heals and clears decades of dis-ease and dysfunction in a fraction of the time. And in an empowering way!
I recognize that taking this leap can be scary. I know that making that choice to change who you've been for a long while feels like a giant leap of faith into the unknown.
What I can tell you is that this step is worth every. single. step. Every tear. Every doubt. And then some. You will literally change your life when you enter this path. You will access parts of you you didn’t know existed. You will find your power. You will love yourself much more deeply.
I was scared too and couldn’t find a logical reason to dive into The Akashic Records, but I kept getting drawn to them. My soul was being called. Listen to your soul! First and foremost! It will take you to all the abundance, invigoration, and peace you can imagine! And beyond!
To do that, move your body to release excess energy, take at least a few very deep and expansive breaths, drop into your heart, and just listen to the silence for a minute.
Does the idea of entering this journey light your soul on fire? Would the phenomenal version of you say HELL YES to diving in? That’s where you make your decision from.
If you have doubts about your next steps or whether this is the best fit, send me a message and let me know. I’m happy to steer you in the right direction. Well, the Records will!
Want to learn more about managing your anxiety? Check out my video HERE!
Book an Akashic Records session if you would like to receive answers directly from your soul. You can ask 2-3 questions surrounding any area of your journey (emotional mastery, relationships, life direction/purpose, physical symptoms, career trajectory, and/or limiting beliefs) or your healing/therapy business. Come with an open heart and you will always receiveĀ clear and efficient guidance onĀ what you're meant to integrate at this time, according to divine perspective.
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