Have you been craving a spiritual tribe?


Imagine a space where you are authentically seen as you really are. Not only that, you are celebrated, encouraged, and unconditionally supported.


This is a discussion-based, intimate community. We tackle what naturally comes up in our lives relevant to the topic of what comes forward in channeled form (from either my own experience, client experiences, or what's presenting in the collective). As a result, this is a massively transformative space, bringing through divine intelligence and extremely deep insight on real-time human experience. 

Sign Up for $60 per Month Here!

There are some things I don’t want to share publicly but hold deep wisdom and awareness that I really want people to receive (& implement in their own way). 


Just raw, unfiltered channeling & insight. And then we chat about it in community, allowing the most intimate shares to come forward in a space that’s totally open-minded, unconditional, and expansive.


The writing & live channeled messages can be used as prompts or springboards for deeply knowing yourself and entering a profound excavation of core truths that have been hidden from conscious awareness.


This is my favorite way to expand my mind and elevate consciousness. In this space, we talk about our own spin on the language that’s been devised for us, the systems, concepts, and beliefs that became ingrained & distracted us from what feels true.


We create our own way, expression, and definitions of this life as we integrate our divine intelligence with the human experience. It’s deep and it’s vast, and I could talk about this stuff all day.


So many clients have been asking the same question: What am I not seeing? I want people to clearly know how to access this readily, confidently hold what comes forward, and feel inspired, invigorated, and seriously wise. And honestly, to know they don’t need this answer for self-acceptance & appreciation!


Regularly engaging in this type of discussion and processing prevents subconscious material from being expressed through symptoms & challenges, and results in massive spiritual & energetic up levels and quantum leaps. Because you’re finally listening clearly to your voice and the voice of your soul, without filter. 

View A Free Sample Of My Membership Below!

This membership is $60/mo (3-month minimum), where all members, including me, share writing and live intuitive processing/channeling. We connect and deep dive like rock stars, inviting each other into reflection and divine perspective. Discussions are ongoing and I check in a couple times per month to check on comments. See below for the additional magic that's included! 

Sign Up for $60 per Month Here!

See What My Members Are Saying: