Welcome to the Akashic musings podcast. My name is Laura Mazzotta and I will be your guide during the sacred experience. I'm an Akashic healer and teacher, and I've also been a therapist for almost 20 years. This podcast is your go to opportunity for all things healing, inspiration and Empowerment. I will be sharing potent wisdom from divine intelligence in the space of the Akashic Records. For more understanding of what the Akashic Records are, I encourage you to listen to episode one, or head over to my website at WWW dot v Akashic therapist.com. I'm so grateful to have you here, receiving the powerful energetic shifts that radiate through these messages. Just by listening in, you're doing your part to raise the vibration of the planet, and fully realize our natural state of wellness and vitality. Without further ado, here's today's episode.
Hey, friends, and welcome to this episode, where we're talking about motherhood, I just want to riff on this, I want to be able to bring forward this guidance from the Akash and just allow whatever's meant to come forward come forward. This was brought up today actually, in my mastermind with some of my clients who were really feeling stuck and guilty about some of their mentality surrounding being a mother. And the wisdom that came forward was brilliant, which was really around, you know, first of all, how do you define the role of mother one of the reasons that you might get frustrated with being a mother or think you know what, I don't want to be a mother or sometimes I want to be a mother. And sometimes I don't, or it's stressful to be a mother or I feel guilty all the time, because I want to choose to do things for myself, or I want to do this for work, or I want to devote my time elsewhere. And I don't want to spend time with my kids, or I don't necessarily miss my kids, if I go somewhere. Or if I do I kind of want to stay longer, right. And so there's just so many reasons to feel guilty as a mother. And most of that is coming from one that's coming from the belief systems and the values that we hold around and surrounding motherhood belief systems that we've learned that we've adopted. And we haven't necessarily chosen those that just kind of like fallen into our lap, or we've been exposed to them through our conditioning, and then we end up being like, okay, I guess that's what a mother is, right? And we just automatically step into that and start operating in a certain way. It's not like we open a guidebook and say, What do I do? You know, and so, I thought this was a really cool thing to bring forward for anyone who is a mother or considering motherhood, or guess what everyone is a child of a mother. So it's, obviously an opportunity to understand the role of mother in terms of how you're processing your mother's role in your life, or how you decide or choose to parent your children. And I think that what can be really, really cool is as conscious beings and people who are always looking to step higher into a higher version of ourselves into a version of ourselves that's more authentic and honest and raw. We get to create Definitions for these roles in our lives, and really be pioneers in sharing these different definitions that might be considered very off the beaten path. And even I don't know, that's a little sketchy. So this is the thing, we're always navigating a new way. We're always navigating a new way, because we're always changing as energetic beings as societies. I'm recording this on the day that the Supreme Court overturned the Roe versus Wade decision in the United States. So there's a lot of feelings out there right now. There's a lot of perspectives on motherhood and the rights of women to be able to make that decision for themselves. And so it's very, very timely that this conversation was coming forward from the Akash. And I think these are the kinds of high level conversations that make you a thought leader, when you're able to say and a change maker when you're able to say, I just don't know if I identify with that belief system and it can feel like it's sacrilegious. It can feel like you're You're going way outside the box and you're defying authority. But who is the authority? Right? When we talk about motherhood? Who is the authority? As far as I'm concerned, if I were to go to anybody as the authority for motherhood, I'd be going to Mother Teresa, or Mother Mary. Right? Or ain't any Archangels. So I think that we need and what's so funny about this, too, is that, I feel like as I was saying that one of the names that came to my mind was my husband. Because he is, he's phenomenal. As a maternal figure, yes, he's a father to my children. But he's also very, very maternal. And I think that no matter what gender you are, no matter how you identify, you have the ability to take on this role of mother, how do you mother yourself? How do you mother, your inner child? How do you allow yourself to receive from yourself to receive from your mother to receive from any maternal people or beings in your life? So it's not just about how do I embody this role? What does it look like for me? How do I define it? How is the how do i couch this in my values? But it's also about how do I receive the role of mother? How do I give the role of mother to myself and others? And your answers may be different in each category, which is honestly very, very illuminating. Sometimes we can find that Oh, actually, the issue is that I'm not really receiving Well, I'm not receiving the maternal maternal energy. Well, okay, so what's that
about? Where's the wound exists there that we need to dive into, and not necessarily explore, but to at least have a context of understanding and send some healing to it, and be able to say, it's actually liberating and expansive for me to create a new story to define this in my new way that aligns with who I'm becoming. And honestly, that aligns with my soul that I'm getting to know more and more every day, we are always unfolding new information about our souls and what it is they're meant to do on this planet. It's not like that's just a one time conversation, and then it's over. And so we get to learn as well, how are we meant to be breeding for the maternal energy from the Universe? How are we meant to be delivering that and giving from a space of service, right? Teaching people and holding safe space for people as they regenerate rebirth themselves? That's a lot of what healers do as a lot of lightworkers do you know, we hold space for people to grow and to expand and to step into a completely new version, and it feels like an awakening, it feels like rebirth? And that's a lot of what we do as lightworkers. And that's one of the reasons why I see this sometimes within the lightworker community for women who are in the motherly role, but are also light workers and are saying, I much prefer to do my work than I prefer to parent my children. Well, of course you do. Because first of all, you're following exactly what your soul brought forward. That doesn't mean that your soul doesn't want to parent don't get me wrong, but why are our children sent to us, our children are sent to us as mirrors, and as reflectors of ourselves of the deepest part of ourselves, so that we can continue to be compassionate and patient and loving towards ourselves and grow on our souls journey, right. But when we really look at that maternal energy, and that ability to really guide and hold space for people as they're coming through this rebirth, that's what our jobs are. And that's fully in alignment with your soul. Of course, it's of service to the collective. And the beautiful part about it is that as you do this work, you grow yourself. And then your children witness that your children benefit from that your children receive the energetic overflow from that, which is incredibly beautiful. And so it's being able to weave these two together and not feel like they're separate. It's not like, oh, I work, and I'm a mom. And they're separate roles, not at all. Not at all. And in fact, I think that sometimes I always tell my mastermind clients that the work is the cure. That's not my statement. That's from one of my mentors that she gave to that she shared all the time, which I loved, and was one of the most sobering things when I signed up with her because I had guilt at the time I had guilt around the fact that I absolutely adore love and want to be with my children the vast majority of the time. However, I love my job. I am just totally obsessed with my job and not like obsessed and fixated. I have to do this kind of way. But in a it's so much fun. And it's hard for me to stay away sometimes just because it excites me. I'm so passionate about it, and I grow so much from it, it serves me too. And so to see somebody say, You know what I can parent and love my kids, and be madly in love with my business and how it'd be my primary thing that I want to do, you know, and not feel like we have to feel ashamed for that, that we don't need to hide behind that we get to own that. And actually, the mindfuck here is that, when we do that, and we dive in, and we say, I'm in full ownership of the fact that I fucking love my job, and I want to spend most of my time doing that. Because keep in mind that when we do that, what are we doing, we are nurturing ourselves, we are nourishing ourselves, we are parenting ourselves, because we're listening to our desires. And we are bringing forward healing energy from the planet, and outside the planet, to be able to constantly grow and become better versions of who we are. And this is exactly where the work is secure. Because when we turn toward the work, we are a part of the act of service itself is bringing that God energy through, because you're listening to that, and you're pulling infinite energy into your being. So that's healing in itself. So there's part of the cure. The other thing is being able to work on some very intimate things with clients, and have them reflect to you areas that you still have the ability to grow just like our children do. So I want you to realize that, you know, we're mothering in many different ways, every single one of us has that within us to mother, ourselves, and anybody else around us in our field. And so, it's up to you,
what does that look like? What does that feel like? What feels right, what feels empowering, what feels deeply nourishing, not just for you, but for other people. You know, that's one of the ways to identify whether something is truly in alignment with us is that if we're giving, and it feels really nourishing for us, and for the people that we're offering it to, we know that that's in alignment, right? Because it's not just for us, it's not just for them, it's something that benefits us both. And that means that it's that frequency of the highest good for all, which is the frequency of the universe. That's always what the universe is aiming for, with any messages it brings forward and any challenges it brings forward for us to learn from. So really, the bottom line here is finding your own definition of maternal of motherhood. How do you desire to embody that role? How do you? What is it that you value when it comes to raising the youth of the planet? What is it you want them to rise into, you can also reverse engineer it that way and say, Okay, this is what I want them to rise into not just what I want, but that information that I'm receiving from God and from the universe about what that future feels like for them in order to continue the evolution of the planet and then reverse engineer, what does that? Where does what role does that put me in to be able to support them in achieving that? Right? So it's more of an energetic goal, rather than really, honestly an academic one, which is what it is now. It's like, okay, are you gonna go to high school? Do you go to college, then maybe you'll go to grad school. And, you know, like, there's this hierarchy involved. And that's not the case here. It's really just about like, what is God and the universe's ultimate goal, and intention and vision for the heightened consciousness of the universe and the universe continuing to expand? So you thought we were just going to talk about motherhood here. Do you see how big this topic is? Do you see how far this can extend? For us to be able to really feel an enormous level of impact just by existing and choosing this role, whether we choose to physically bear children in this planet or not? We still have that maternal role with ourselves at the very, very least. So please share your definition with me. Take a screenshot of this podcast episode posted on your Instagram story or your Facebook story. And write a little ditty. How do you define this? And then tag me at emerge healing & wellness. Thanks so much for joining me. I'll see you next time on another episode of the Akashic musings podcast. Thank you for joining me for this episode of the Akashic musings Podcast. I'm so grateful you're taking the time to integrate healing at the deepest level. If you loved this episode, connect with me on Instagram at emerge healing and wellness or contact me through my [email protected] Akashic therapist.com I'll see you next week on the next episode of the Akashic musings podcast. Bye for now and have a wonderful week.