Welcome to the Akashic musings podcast. My name is Laura Mazzotta and I will be your guide during the sacred experience. I'm an Akashic healer and teacher, and I've also been a therapist for almost 20 years. This podcast is your go to opportunity for all things healing, inspiration and Empowerment. I will be sharing potent wisdom from divine intelligence in the space of the Akashic Records. For more understanding of what the Akashic Records are, I encourage you to listen to episode one, or head over to my website at www.theakashictherapist.com. I'm so grateful to have you here, receiving the powerful energetic shifts that radiate through these messages. Just by listening in you're doing your part to raise the vibration of the planet, and fully realize our natural state of wellness and vitality. Without further ado, here's today's episode.
Welcome back to another episode of the Akashic musings Podcast. Today, we're going to be talking about making our subconscious, conscious. So we all know Freud. And as much of a special human as he was, he devoted himself to the study of the human mind, and was able to give us some frameworks that have been productive in the development of understanding the human brain. So one of the things that he identified was the unconscious subconscious, and the ego. And you've probably seen that image of an iceberg where the ego, which is the conscious mind, is what we're actually aware of what we're aware of, in terms of our thoughts in terms of our environment in terms of how we're assessing things. And that's just the tip of the iceberg that sticks up above the water. And the rest of it is, which is 95% of it, some people would even argue that it's more than that exists below the surface, which includes the subconscious and the unconscious. Now, it's interesting, because there's debate now as to whether or not the unconscious mind actually exists. And whether the subconscious mind is really just the entirety of the bottom of that iceberg. My personal feeling in what I've experienced through my work as therapists for 20 years, but also in the energy work that I've been doing. And my connection to divine intelligence is that we do have an unconscious mind, but it's, it's not, it's truly just what Freud would say, which is libidinal impulses. So it's basically like very akin to the reptilian brain, where we are simply reactive. And the unconscious mind is really responsible for automated experiences within our physical body, which is heart rate, digestion, breath, things like that. So I do believe that we have that. But that's where we get our fight or flight from a lot of the time, which is, you know, tracing all the way back to our ancestors, when a bear would come into their community, and they would have to protect themselves, they'd have to take care of their own safety. And so a lot of that is housed a lot of that wiring neurologically is housed within our unconscious mind. But the subconscious mind is really what we want to talk about today. And the subconscious mind is it houses a lot of our thoughts, most of our thoughts, 95% of our thoughts, it houses memories, it houses, connections, and dysfunction and distortion, two things that have occurred not only in this lifetime, but in previous lifetimes. And it holds all of that within it. So when we talk about automation of physical and physiological processes, we're talking about the unconscious mind, but when we're talking about automation of our behaviors, and our emotions, and our reactions consciously, to things, that is really driven and fueled by the subconscious mind. So we go through life day to day and operate primarily from our subconscious, which is a little bit of a mindfuck because we think we're aware of everything. We're human beings, we walk around, we see things, we touch things, we feel things, we smell things, and we think that that's reality, but the actual reality is that we're acting out what exists within our subconscious Understanding what's in our subconscious is very, very helpful. And I'm going to give you some tools today as to how you can understand what's going on in your subconscious mind. So that you're not primarily acting from a place of beliefs that are based on maybe a version of you that you don't want to have around anymore, or based on trauma that you've experienced in the past or based on experiences that your family has had, that have been passed on to you that you don't even know exists there. So but I think that we can get caught up in I want to know what's in the subconscious mind. And that can be helpful to a degree, and I'm gonna give you some exercises today that attend to that. But I'm also gonna give you some that just allow you to rewire the subconscious mind without necessarily knowing the content. And I think both are really valid, because we don't want to sit in old stories, we don't want to make a bigger deal about some of these distortions that exist than we need to because sometimes some of the things that are held on our subconscious mind aren't even ours to carry, they belong to our ancestors, they belong to past versions of us or past lives. And we don't want to drag that into the present. So sometimes it's about just
choosing who we desire to be choosing where we want to go in life, and rewiring our subconscious mind to align with that. So there's a couple of different ways to do that. So when we're talking about making the subconscious conscious, there's a few exercises that I'm going to share with you that are really effective with being able to shift these patterns and create new belief systems. So one of them is tapping. And if you have been following me for a while, you know that I have a free EFT tapping playlist on my YouTube channel, people are obsessed with it, I get messages all the time about these and saying that they're their favorite ones on the internet, and they keep coming back to them, which just makes me so happy because they're completely channeled intuitively, and I they're just so powerful. And tapping itself is very, very powerful, because it's a modality that incorporates mind body spirit, and it allows you to release any of those beliefs that no longer serve you and integrate those things that you do desire. So you will go into what's happening with because you're having a feeling, or because you have this nagging pattern that keeps coming up in your life, and that's a lot of the times how we can tell that we need to shift subconscious patterns is that we'll have this repetitive behavior that we can't seem to get out of, or we keep working on something, but it keeps coming back and it's not going away. And that means that it's not really we need to go deeper to to heal that and to clear that, because otherwise, we're gonna feel frustrated, like we're hitting our heads against a wall, and we're not getting anywhere. And, you know, the fact is you're intending to try to heal yourself, you're trying to help yourself. And so it can be very frustrating to continue to go back to therapy, you're talking it through or journaling or doing whatever practices that you're using, that are really more on a cognitive level and feeling like I'm hitting my head against the wall, I'm not getting anywhere I keep falling back into this pattern, right? It can also come through with us being snappy, being excessively irritable, and sabotaging relationships, you know, like really being in a place where Why are my relationships continuing to not work out? Why why do I not have the level of intimacy that I desire with myself or with other people. And that's because your subconscious with all of these belief systems, and all of this content that you might not have an awareness of, is truly being expressed through you in a way that is not necessarily in alignment with who you desire to be. So it could be that you're snapping at people, you're saying stupid shit, or you're being really impulsive, or you're using drugs and alcohol to self medicate, right? So it can come out through a lot of different ways. But really, what I want you to do is keep it simple and identify Like, who do I want to be? How do I want my life to look? Do does my life express that? Does it reflect it? Because if it doesn't, then that means that you can have a disconnect between your subconscious identity and the content that exists there and what you're actually doing and how you're actually interacting. And it's not something to be hard on yourself about because all of us act from our subconscious minds. And I think it's just being curious because, you know, it happens to me too, and I've been a healing Queen for you know, my entire life basically. So um, it's so normal. So when these things come up, it's just a matter of getting curious about them like oh, that's so interesting, like, what is making me have such a significant reaction to this, you know, or what, what made me react in that way or what may be act in that way. And it's something that we get to you can sit down and journal about it, but that's you using your mind. So this is what I encourage you to do. If you do like to journal then one of the tools to access your subconscious material is to just start to automatic right? Like literally just brain dump, get a piece of paper, get a pen if you need to do it on a computer and you prefer doing it that way. Go ahead. You can also do a voice Note, if you don't like to write, however, I do find it to be more effective to write it down. And really, you're just writing down anything you want. Anything that comes to mind, it doesn't have to make sense. It can be a bunch of curse words, if you want, they don't have to string together, they don't have to make any kind of parameters in terms of grammar or spelling, etc. Okay, so you're just gonna write all this down, and then just stop when you feel like stopping. If you want to set a timer, feel free to do that totally up to you, then what I want you to do is I want you to read back through it, and simply just pick out key words that jumped out at you. It's very simple. So you can highlight it, you can circle it, but you're going to read through it. And basically, if there's any words at all, that just activate you, and they can activate you in a positive way or a negative way.
But if you have like, an evident response to some of the words, that's like, oh, that word for some reason hits home to me, or just resonates with me, or is pulling at my heartstrings or whatever, what you're going to do is, you're going to circle that or highlight that word, okay. And then after you've done this, throughout the entire thing that you've written, you're going to look back and identify which one word out of all these that I've highlighted or circled, carries the most potency resonates the most even even if it's a negative, okay, and then you're going to write about that word, you're gonna define it, you can look it up in the dictionary if you want and see if that is a definition that you agree with. Because what you're doing is you are actually getting in touch with your true self, you're getting in touch with your true values and identifying, well, how do I define this? How do I desire to have this exist in my life? How do I express this, because it's, what it's doing is it's giving you a cue as to exactly what you're ready to shift and integrate within your subconscious mind in this moment, okay. And it's so important to do this intentionally to bring this to your awareness. Because if we don't intentionally go into the subconscious, and we do have those patterns, we do have those cycles, and we do have those manifestations within our life that we're not necessarily fully happy with. And it's not in alignment with what we desire, then our subconscious is going to start screaming for attention. And that's through consistent mental health issues, consistent physical issues, things like that, it's going to scream for attention, because it wants you to live at your highest level, it wants you to continue to evolve in a way that makes you feel free and excited and intimately connected and happy. And all the things right. So that's why doing this intentionally is so important. And the last practice that we'll share with you here is not at all cognitive, but just moving your body and moving your body. I like to use Chi Gong personally. But you can also just use like intuitive movement, or intuitive dance or stretching or yoga, anything that feels really aligned for you, if you'd like to use exercise, you can do that as well. But I think that it would be better for unearthing the subconscious to do more of a gentle practice. Because what you're doing is you're creating space, and you want to kind of massage the nervous system, as you're doing this as you're doing this movement. So that you can turn on music too, if you want, just make sure it's not something that's going to agitate you. And it's one that's really going to allow your body to move. It's one that your body desires to move to like you know, those songs that you put on, and it's just like, oh my gosh, I just want to move my body or you know, whatever. So, I think that it's important for you to select what music feels right for you, and then just start to move. And it's amazing how much better you're going to feel after you do that. Because again, you're placing intention, you're placing intention to say okay, like what my issue has been anxiety or something like that. And so you set the intention to gain a greater understanding of the purpose of the anxiety of the reason that it's there for you and how it's meant to serve you. And your body has so much intelligence, so much more than your mind does that it is it is going to know the answer and integrate the answer without you even consciously being aware of it. Okay. And that's, again, a little bit of a mindfuck. Because we want all the answers as humans and so it's detaching from having to know the answers. But realizing that you're bringing this subconscious material up to be processed to be shifted around to be reorganized, so that it's in greater alignment with your highest good, and with who you desire to be. So you can start any of these practices with gaining clarity on where it is you do want to go. But I often find that when we have these blocks or when we have a lot of subconscious material we want to excavate. It's really going to be easier for us to access our desires and what it is we want after we've been shifted after we've shifted the subconscious. And the last thing that I'll tell you is that hypnosis is a brilliant, brilliant tool. And that's an awesome way to rewire your subconscious mind to exactly what you desire. And in a fairly really easy way, you know when you can, you can create your own hypnosis, there's ways ways to do that. And I actually teach that in my sacred integration program. And you can also Just go online find some hypnosis. You can buy them for a few dollars a piece from a lot of different hypnosis hypnotist or hypnotherapist. And honestly, it's frickin magic because you just lay down, you put your frickin headphones in, you listen to the hypnosis, you do it consistently. And then you literally I'm not even joking, wake up one day, and all of a sudden, you've just embodied that version of you. And your reality starts to reflect your subconscious identity that you've just programmed with hypnosis, I mean, some of these tools are so easy, and we just all we need to do is just open up space and intention to allow it to shift. So
I'm going to link the EFT playlist here so you guys can check that out. And feel free to reach out to me if there's a persistent pattern that's been showing up for you that you just have not been able to clear we can talk about it customized hypnosis for you customized EFT tapping if you desire or deeper work if that's something that you're ready for. So you can always reach out to me via email at emerge healing & [email protected]. And if you liked this episode, you can take a screenshot, share it to your Facebook or Instagram story, tag me at emerge healing & wellness and I will share it back and share all the love. Thanks so much for listening and I'll talk to you soon
thank you for joining me for this episode of the Akashic musings Podcast. I'm so grateful you're taking the time to integrate healing at the deepest level. If you loved this episode, connect with me on Instagram at emerge healing & wellness or contact me through my website at www.theakashictherapist.com I'll see you next week on the next episode of the Akashic musings podcast. Bye for now and have a wonderful week.