Welcome to the Akashic musings podcast. My name is Laura Mazzotta and I will be your guide during the sacred experience. I'm an Akashic healer and teacher, and I've also been a therapist for almost 20 years. This podcast is your go to opportunity for all things healing, inspiration and Empowerment. I will be sharing potent wisdom from divine intelligence in the space of the Akashic Records. For more understanding of what the Akashic Records are, I encourage you to listen to episode one, or head over to my website at www.theakashictherapist.com. I'm so grateful to have you here, receiving the powerful energetic shifts that radiate through these messages. Just by listening in you're doing your part to raise the vibration of the planet, and fully realize our natural state of wellness and vitality. Without further ado, here's today's episode.
Welcome back to another episode of the Akashic musings podcast today, I
have a story for you a story of my own healing that I've recently gone through, and I'm still kind of wrapping up on this end. So basically, this theme of today is around acceptance and coming to acceptance of yourself. And I've come to acceptance of myself so many times over the course of my lifetime, at different layers at different levels. And this one was a deep one. And it's important to bring forward because it brings up this concept of wholeness, of allowing ourselves to be whole, and not just a sum of our parts. And not just focusing on certain parts of us that we judge or that we're hard on or Okay, I accept this part of me, but I don't accept that part of me. The point is to accept all of us to accept our things we label as negative things we label as positive things that have happened that are traumatic in the past times that we felt wronged all of the things that we've attracted into our life, whether we judge those as positive or negative, all of it is part of us. And all that is part of our reality. And the contract that we decided, as sold me signed up for this human life. So the important part of this conversation today is that we are meant to embody all of the polarity that is with us, all of the extremes that exist within us, all of the experiences that we have on this planet, not just what we're experiencing right now, but also the versions of us that we've experienced previously, in this lifetime, or in previous lifetimes going through past life work. So recently, I'm going to tell you my story. Now, recently, I have had a lot of emotions running through me. And I know that this is all energy. And I know that some of this is my energy, and some of it is not my energy. But what's interesting is that I've gone through a lot of changes since really the summer time in my personal life. And that's been very intentional, but it's also been very emotional. And these are huge changes that really put me in a position to fully release people pleasing completely from my field. I had been releasing it in layers, and I had been releasing codependency and layers. But this was like a final, a final shove, right? Like, see you later. I'm done with this. And I felt it I was so convicted. I was like, No, I'm not doing this anymore. I'm no longer available for this pattern, when it shows up in any way, shape, or form. Even if it shows up mildly. I am not available for this pattern. It's not who I am. It's not who I desire to be going forward. It's not my core self. And so with the changes that I've made my personal life, obviously there were a lot of shifts in my relationships, when I decided I am no longer people pleasing. And I am no longer participating in anything that tastes like codependency in any way, shape, or form. So those adjustments were made in my relationships, and honestly, it's all been so beautiful. I've gained an immense amount of intimacy in the relationships that I have. But what I was finding was that although my relationships were improving, and they were so positive, I was feeling really emotional. And this is really normal when you are shedding codependency and people pleasing in particular because they are very deeply rooted. They run very deeply and it's very rarely Just within this lifetime and just related to us, it usually passes through generations, and sometimes even past lives, but definitely ancestral. So I was feeling anxious, I was feeling emotional, I was feeling lost, I was feeling lonely. And I would get waves of this because what's funny is that as I was experiencing these things, I was also feeling really happy, I was feeling really happy and really aligned. And in the past, when I felt things like that, I felt like a disaster, like I felt like it should show and I'm really depressed. And that's not the case this time around. And it's kind of interesting to experience those kinds of emotions and, and thoughts and patterns, while still feeling really, really solid and happy. So, in my journaling, in this process, what I uncovered was when I have shed all of this conditioning, and that's one of the messages that I kept getting from my guides and from the universe, which is that, you know, you're just you're done with your conditioning, you're just done with it, you're going forward, you're choosing to do things your way, you're choosing to do things without just accommodating any kind of system or other human. And that's a very freeing feeling, but can also feel a little scary, because it's like, oh, shit, like, now it's all on me right? Now, what do I do? And where do I go? And what if I fuck up and all the things? Now, I wasn't thinking those thoughts. But when I started to journal about this, this just some of the emotions I was having, I realized, oh, fascinating. When I get rid of the conditioning, when I release the people pleasing when I release the codependency, when I release all these other stories that belong to other people, what's left, what's left is Ra, Laura, ra, Laura, from when I was a little nugget, before I employed all of these strategies and barriers and boundaries, and all the things that I put in place so that I didn't annoy people, so I wasn't too much. So I was a good girl. So I followed the rules, right? But now that all the conditionings gone, I'm now left with RA Laura, who I was, before I instituted all of these controls on who I'm meant to be. So who is Ra, Laura, her emotions are all over the freaking place, right? Like my energy, I am a four six emotional generator in human design. And if you're not familiar with human design, I encourage you to go to Jovian archive, I'll put the link in the show notes, Jovian archive.com, you can go get your free human design chart, you just need your birth date, your birth location and your birth time. And what this human design tells me is that I have an emotional authority, which means I'm meant to listen to my emotions, they're coming up for me to give me information. And the way that I have the type of emotional wave that I have is spontaneous highs and lows. And spontaneous highs and lows basically mean that my mood can go super, super low. But just as quickly as it goes low, it bounces back. And then it can go super, super high. And just as quickly as it goes high, it bounces back. So I don't need to attach stories to it or analyze it or create meaning around it. It's simply this is energy that's flowing, this is my natural energy. I know that as quickly as it has peaked, it will come back to baseline, I know as quickly as it has plummeted, it will come back to baseline. So it allows you to develop this trust in your energy, where you know that those emotions are going to flow. But it was interesting because I know this intellectually, but emotionally, I was feeling very much like, I don't know, if I like myself all that much. I was judging myself. I was judging myself for these emotions, I was judging myself for some of the thoughts that were coming up. And some of them are really old, like back in college and high school. And this is something that's been happening a lot in the collective lately, just because there's been a lot of very heavy energy. And we just came out of a eclipse season. And so a lot of these old stories and old feelings have been coming up for a lot of people. So I know this. But I was having trouble getting out of this emotionally. And what I realized was, it's not just that I need to accept who I am now and the changes that I've made, but I need to accept the previous version of me. And I need to accept the previous version before that. And I need to accept my original version when I first came into this world, because all of it is part of who I am. And it's a beautiful message for us to be able to say I get to hold who I am now, and I get to hold who I was. Because I'm still the same essence of me. My soul is still here. My energy is still here. And really what it takes for me is not just accepting the Laura who's made all these changes and done on his healing and data, because that would mean that I'm only accepting the version of me that has done X, Y, and Z to become an acceptable level of Laura, rather than, because that's very similar to the societal definition of success. While all appreciate you if you bring in this amount of money, or I'll appreciate you if you work this hard, right? No, I just appreciate me because I'm me. Because I'm a human. I'm a soul who decided to come into this world with these gifts and these gifts that have been given to me, my emotions, and my thoughts and my interactions and my purpose, all of it has been given to me, in order to fulfill what my soul was meant to fulfill. So this is a new level of trust, and a new level of surrender and belief and infinite possibility that I get to expand and hold energy beyond where I've already grown to, I get to expand and hold energy and accept previous levels of myself all the way back to infancy and previous to that. And when I do that, I have fully appreciated my timeline, however it has meant to be to unfold, right? We're all working to accept certain parts of ourselves. But instead of just looking at the parts of ourselves, let's accept our whole selves. Let's accept the whole timeline that we have traveled to get to this point.
So for me, that means sitting with myself more being with myself more in silence and stillness. Because it's so easy to fill that space with other people with tasks activities, I can go through a whole day and realize, Wow, what did I even do, and not from a productive point of view, but because I got distracted from my intentions. And my intention is to fulfill my mission of sharing information about holistic mental health, of teaching and training other people to be able to understand this, and expanding the vibration of the planet, raising the consciousness of the planet. And in order to do so I come first, I need to model that, again, as a four six generator in human design, it means that I'm meant to take what it is that's that I'm experiencing, and model that for other people. So that's what I'm meant to do with this for acceptance is to not add a million practices and read 12 More books, but to take what I already know, because I am infinitely intelligent in this moment right now. And I get to sit down and go into meditation or just sit with myself in silence in front of a beautiful, sunshiny window that I'm looking at right now. And just appreciate being with me. And if my emotions flow during that time, I just witnessed them, I hold them, I attend to myself. And that's the other piece. The second part that came forward for me around acceptance is this concept of attending to myself in the moment. So if something happens, and I'm feeling like a little butthurt, or, you know, I'm feeling emotional, or reactive, or anything that's coming up in the moment, what I'll typically do a lot of the time and say, Okay, I'm gonna meditate on that later, I'm gonna go to the Akashic Records later, I'm gonna write about that later. And the upgrade for me now, is why later, I'm going to sit with myself now. Because if you have a little kid who comes up to you, and they fell and skinned their knee, what are you going to say all cleaned that up later, all bandage that later all soothe your tears and hug you later. No, you're gonna run right over to them, you're going to sue them. And you're going to whisk them into wherever it is in your house, so that you can clean it up, put a bandaid on, and make it all better. So let's do that for ourselves. That when we have that feeling in the moment, it doesn't have to be a big process, it can be five seconds of closing your eyes and taking a nice deep breath and connecting to your heart space. And whispering it's okay. You're safe. I love you. I'm here. And just practicing a moment of self compassion in that moment and attending to ourselves right away. So that it doesn't build so that it doesn't have something else add on top of it. Right. So that's what I'm doing, to deepen my acceptance of not just who I am now, but who I've always been, and who I came here to be, and all the iterations of that. So consider what you're working to accept right now. And how you can open that process to deepening it even more to not just this moment in time. I promise you it's going to serve you not just through this lifetime, but their future lifetimes and also future generation Vince, thank you so much for joining me for this podcast and I'll see you next week thank you for joining me for this episode of the Akashic musings Podcast. I'm so grateful you're taking the time to integrate healing at the deepest level. If you loved this episode, connect with me on Instagram at emerge healing & wellness, or contact me through my website at www.theakashictherapist.com. I'll see you next week on the next episode of the Akashic musings podcast. Bye for now and have a wonderful week.