Welcome to the Akashic musings podcast. My name is Laura Mazzotta and I will be your guide during the sacred experience. I'm an Akashic healer and teacher, and I've also been a therapist for almost 20 years. This podcast is your go to opportunity for all things healing, inspiration and Empowerment. I will be sharing potent wisdom from divine intelligence in the space of the Akashic Records. For more understanding of what the Akashic Records are, I encourage you to listen to episode one, or head over to my website at www.theakashictherapist.com. I'm so grateful to have you here, receiving the powerful energetic shifts that radiate through these messages. Just by listening in you're doing your part to raise the vibration of the planet, and fully realize our natural state of wellness and vitality. Without further ado, here's today's episode.
Welcome back to another episode of the Akashic musings Podcast. Today, we're talking about consistency and your spiritual or self love practices. This is something I see a lot of my clients and a lot of people that are in my community struggling with. And it's something that I struggled with for a long time off and on. And I find now even when I say, I'm struggling with consistency in my practices, I'm really not. Because relatively speaking, I'm kicking some serious ass, but I desire to continue to deepen it. And so I've developed practices for myself, to invite me into a reminder to continually deepen my spiritual practices. This is one of the reasons why I do retreats four times a year is because it really opens up space for me as well, to immerse deeply and intimately with other intuitive humans. So we're going to talk about three different ways to look at consistency. And I'm going to give you some suggestions as to how to be more consistent in your spiritual and self love practices. So number one, consistency is very subjectively defined, and it changes over time. So right now, you may describe consistency as doing your spiritual practices once a week. And then as you continue to evolve, you may find you want to do them twice a week, or once every day. So consistency is something that you get to define and not lock yourself into a box around well, this is consistency. And if I waver from that, then I'm not being consistent, it's going to continue to evolve. I used to think consistency in my practices was
going to my own therapist or my own coach, when I was a traditional therapist for 20 years, I used to think that consistency was seeing my clients on a regular basis and opening up that space for myself in between sessions to take care of myself.
And at the time, that consistency worked. But it worked because I had a certain level of awareness then. And now that my awareness has expanded. I know that for me, consistency is really more about I want consistency in space, I want more space in my life, I want more time in my life. And consistency is no longer
related to how I can fit it in to my life, but instead to make consistency in what I desire to be my top priority. So this concept of consistency has shifted meaning as I've evolved, and consistency used to be about showing up for others, and then fitting myself in between. And now consistency is about showing up for myself, and having just honestly so much more space to welcome and invite aligned humans into my world. The other thing is that consistency changes when our pace shifts. So that's one of the reasons why I've I've I've evolved to this point because it just, I didn't want to go at that pace anymore. And I was really, really consistent, but it was burning me out. And so you also want
Want to find that balance of not being so consistent that it becomes this masculine strategy of being successful and your practices so that you feel good about yourself, right. And this can differ depending on where you are in your journey. Because earlier on, I needed a lot more consistency in my spiritual and my healing journey, because it was working through a lot of deeper things that I had just excavated. Whereas later on in the journey, I didn't have to put as much effort into being consistent with my practices, they just automatically showed up. And I was then invited to deepen them. So honor wherever you are in your journey, but identify what consistency means to you in terms of frequency in terms of where you desire to be consistent, because it may not be in certain practices, it may just be in, I desire to consistently love myself. Right? And then what does that look like?
Because number two, here with consistency, is there aren't any supposed to there aren't any shoulds?
You're not, you know, that was one of the big things that I had to decondition when leaving traditional therapy was this feeling of I'm supposed to meet with clients every week, in order for them to remain stable. Right. But I wasn't enjoying that process. That process is like, Okay, well, they're depending on me to not melt down, right? No, and that was earlier on as a therapist. But really, what you want to look at when it comes to consistency is instead of like, this is what you should do in order to be able to get to where you want to go. It's what do I desire to do consistently, because it brings me joy, because I really love it. You know, like I was doing my spiritual practices, after I got sepsis to feel better, and with the intention to heal, so I was still attached to the outcome. Whereas I needed to shift and this made a big change in my healing journey I needed to shift to
I'm doing these practices because they feel good, and because I love doing them, because it just makes me feel yummy. And it makes me feel special, and it makes me feel loved. So it's important to find that sweet spot that feels really, really good for you around, you know, taking care of yourself in a way that you know, you need to for your highest vitality, and
saying, Okay, what part of that list of things that I need to do? Do I really enjoy? Could I do all day every day and just feel like oh my gosh, I love this so much. That's what you're going to prioritize in terms of consistency with your practices. So prioritization is can be really, really helpful to kind of narrow down where you're going to focus more on your spiritual and self love practices, because this goes into number three, which is where are you already consistent, right? Because we like to criticize ourselves for not being consistent enough. But who defines that, right? Like, you're consistent in a lot of things, you're consistent in brushing your teeth, you're consistent in eating and sleeping and putting your clothes on, you're consistent in going to work if you go to work, right. And so you already have things that you're consistent about. And so it's about, and we're going to talk about a couple of these skills later that that can support you with this, but
I want you to look at what you're already doing, and find what's working, like what makes me feel the best that I'm consistent with. And it doesn't have to be a spiritual self love practice, it's anything. What do I do that I'm consistent with in my life? And what are the results? Where have I been consistent in my life? And what have the results been? Because when you identify what feels the best, that's where you can hone in and say, Alright, well, I already know, I already have data on this, this is effective for me. So I'm just going to dive in deeper, and really allow myself to fully embrace this.
And the other question that comes with this, where are you already consistent when it comes to spiritual work is, are you always connected? Because it's funny, I was asking myself this question. When I first this concept first came into me. And it was like, I thought to myself, yeah, I'm always connected. But then why do I feel like I'm not consistent? I am consistent. Like, I'm just saying, I'm not consistent because I want to go deeper. That doesn't mean I'm not consistent, actually so consistent. I just desire more. Right? And so if that's one way to kind of test if you're just being hard on yourself or not being consistently well, are you always connected to your higher self, yours connected to spirity living that energy of love and like seeing things through divine perspective, the vast majority of the time, I mean, give yourself credit, we are human. So if you can do that a good majority of the time, yeah, you're always connected. Like for me, I don't need to sit down and open the Akashic Records. I can just, you know, tap in and I'm there, you know, and so that to me is like Oh of course and
consistently, if I can do that, that means that I'm really consistent, right? So that's just another area to look, before you dive into, how do I become more consistent, and that's what we're gonna jump into now. And I'm sure that you're probably listening to this episode, because you do want to be more consistent. So I'm gonna give you some suggestions here. So most of the issue here is habit, right, we get into a habit of doing things certain ways. And it can feel really stubborn to our ego, to shift that habit. And the best way to shift a habit is not to say, Okay, I'm gonna do a 21 day meditation challenge, and then stick with it. I mean, don't get me wrong, do it, those are great. Those are fun. I love doing those. However, they don't seem to stick so much for people. And it's almost like setting a new year's resolution, right. And so the most important thing here is instead of setting goals and saying, Okay, I'm gonna change this, and I need to change this and it's almost like, you're like, Okay, I'm gonna sign up for this, because they're gonna kick me in the ass, and it's gonna get me going. That's not the vibe that we're looking for, to shift into consistency with our spiritual practice, because what we really want to do is just setting an intention, set an energetic intention. And a very, very, very important piece of this is that you need to get really sincere about it. Okay? Because we set intentions all the time, like, oh, today, I desire to feel connected, or I feel I want to feel empowered, you know, you set an intention for the day vibrationally. And then you continue to check in with yourself throughout the day, you know, it's like, Okay, does this assist me with becoming more disciplined? If that was my word for the day? Or does it encourage me to become more sovereign, right? And you can continue to tweak and refine your moments of the day to get you to that vibration? Okay? Energy follows intention. So when you set the intention, it's always going to flow, the timing of when it's going to show up is up to the universe, okay? And you can ask each day, you know, what would you have me do like talking to the universe talking to God? What would you have me do, to most closely identify with or embody this vibration? Okay. It's literally the most loving, and expansive thing you can do for yourself, is to shift into setting the intention. And it's, I gotta be honest with you, sometimes this is all it takes, especially if you have been on the intuitive journey for a while and on the spiritual healing journey for a while, sometimes it's all it takes, is to just set an intention, and be really sincere about it. Because that's one of the biggest issues we're just not sincere enough or flaky about or like, Alright, I'm going to set this but then, you know, I should stuff came up, I'm gonna go do that, or I don't feel like doing that, right. And we forget who we want to become, and that we set this intention to really align with our our souls desires, and who we're meant to become not who we want to become, okay. And when we do this, and we allow ourselves to embrace this practice, we set the foundation of us, right, so you, when you set this intention, you get really sincere, you're setting the foundation of you. And once you find that foundation, and you do this consistently enough, you're all set. And it's just going to be easier to return to and it's not going to feel like effort. Okay, so allow it to come to you.
And that takes us into the second point here around how to be more consistent, which is
when you set the intention, allow God to open up the opportunity, because it's amazing how intentional we are not when we fixate on doing something. It's like an obsession, rather than a real devotion. Right. So it's like, oh, I'm fixated on.
I don't know getting certified in the Akashic Records. So I'm fixated on getting certified in the Emotion Code I'm fixated on offering Reiki to all the people who are suffering, right?
You set that, but we fixate on it. And we're constantly worrying about all right, like, how do I how am I going to do that? And I said, I was going to do that and I'm not doing it. I'm not doing I'm not doing it. That's the mind. Okay, that's the mind latching on to an idea and obsessing rather than a real soul level devotion. Okay. And when we don't just allow God to open up the opportunity, and we go into creating the opportunity, because we set this intention, then really, this obsessional stuff that comes up is a surface level sim symptom, and it really reflects self doubt. So if you find yourself getting into that pattern, where you set an intention, and then you get into this, this circle in this cycle of like, I gotta do this to get that done. I got to do that to get that done and you're not leaning back and just allowing God to open up opportunity for you trusting that it's going to come. You really need to look at yourself doubt. Okay, because the fixation that comes in your mind
And from obsessing about how you're going to do this or continually taking action that's not necessarily aligned. But just from place of thinking through, okay, well, I could do it this way I could do it that way.
It's distracting you from what you're really meant to do. Okay, so I think that the important piece to take from this section is to ask yourself, What if I decided not to make any decisions in my life from a space of self doubt?
Or from a space of guilt? Or from a space of obligation? Or suppose twos, right? Like, what if I just set the intention, and then I see where the seed grows from there, like I'm planting a seed. And if I continue to love myself, continue to nourish myself continue to take care of my vibe, as best I can. It's going to show up that doesn't don't, that doesn't mean never take action. Okay, we're going to talk about that in a second.
That doesn't mean never take action. But it means you're not getting into like desperate seeking, searching action, from a place of the ego, you're allowing your soul to guide you naturally. Okay. And so now I'm gonna give you a couple, two tangible tools that you can use and apply that are taking concerted action. Okay. One is
this concept that we're talking about earlier around where you already consistent. Celebrate when you do those things, celebrate that you're consistent about eating and sleeping, celebrate that you're consistent about being connected to source, celebrate that you're consistent about connecting with your loved ones celebrate that you're consistent about going to work, whatever it is, celebrate your consistency. That's a huge action step that's really, really going to assist you with making this process a lot easier.
And then that's the second practical piece here that I'm bringing forward, which is make it easy on yourself, like, what can you set up alongside of what you're already doing? Where are you already consistent in your daily life or your routine that you can add to? So for instance, if you're brushing your teeth, I absolutely hate brushing my teeth. So this is something that I've actually tried that it's like, okay, if you're brushing your teeth, what mantra Can you recite while you're brushing your teeth? Or can you put on a meditation while you're brushing your teeth or frequency music while you're brushing your teeth? Can you move your body and QiGong movement while you're brushing your teeth. So it's taking these practices and coupling them with what you're already doing. Because if you already have this, like the habit pieces that the tax the habit piece we're talking about, you already have habits in place, you're already being consistent, then piggyback on that, take advantage of that energy and ride it instead of recreating the wheel. Okay.
So let's recap here, you get to prime your field, for any kind of upcoming change, particularly a change of, hey, if you're listening to this, you're probably like, I desire more consistent consistency and my spiritual practice or my self love, practice. Why? Because you want to love yourself more. Why? Because you want to follow your soul mission, you want to serve the collective, you want to raise your vibration, you want to raise the vibration of those around you. So you get to prime your field for this change that's coming, because you already know what's coming, if you're listening to this, and if you set an intention, now you're going to set a very specific intention.
Okay, energy follows that intention.
And then step two is that you're going to deepen your belief and your sincerity in this intention, because that's going to allow you to really trust that it's coming to you and get to a place of greater confidence that yes, this is exactly what you desire, what your soul desires.
And the last piece that you can add on to this is deciding who you want to become. That's what helps us sustain this practice. Because we can do practices and get consistent all day long, but it's like, how do I hold on to this.
And we hold on to it, by making those decisions
that serve who we desire to be what we desire to embody. When you look at yourself five years from now,
what would make you feel proud, what would make you feel like ah, that's, that feels really good for my nervous system that feels really, really, really good. And really comfortable and really exciting. And also gives me a little bit of a challenge, but also makes me feel so loving and so me, right?
And some people don't know who they want to become. So you can ask yourself a couple of questions to get there like what do you stand for? What are those core values?
And you might want to ask yourself, Do I desire to expand or do I desire to deepen?
Because there's a big difference because at the beginning of my spiritual practice, I was consistent because I wanted to expand and now I'm consistent because I desire to deepen.
So getting clear on that can also assist you
with making this a sustainable
We'll practice.
And you can bounce back and forth, you can deepen for a period of time. And then you might need to expand. That's very normal actually, and intuitive development.
And lastly, I just want to mention that whether you feel distracted or not, with the tools that you're using, you get to show up and you get to celebrate it, you're showing up. So don't attach to the outcome of Well, I did that meditation, but it kind of sucked, and I couldn't focus, or I went for a walk in nature, but my neighbor kept coming out and bothering me. And so I never really got, don't focus on that. Focus on the fact that you did it, you set the intention, and you follow through with an action done. Okay. So it doesn't matter how you show up, you just do it.
So if you have any other questions on this, I am, I'm so in love with helping people with this. And I'm so good at navigating this because I've done it myself for yours. So set up a time with me for a vibrational assessment, let's connect. And I can support you if this is something that's become really frustrating. I do at the time of this recording, have a couple of programs that really allow this consistency to be internalized in your own way. Because what that really does is it allows us to feel
like we're not following somebody else's rules, like we're really empowering ourselves to follow what's meant for us. And we're listening to that guidance. And we're not getting stuck in a shame spiral of I can't seem to get to it and I can never be consistent and you know, that's what we do we criticize me shame ourselves for it, which is obviously not helpful criticism is not a motivator. So reach out to me and I can guide you in a direction that feels really solid for your vibe, and for really what's meant for you for next steps. So, thank you so much for listening to this episode. And I will see you next week on another episode of the Akashic musings podcast.
Thank you for joining me for this episode of the Akashic musings Podcast. I'm so grateful you're taking the time to integrate healing at the deepest level. If you loved this episode, connect with me on Instagram at emerge healing & wellness or contact me through my website at www.theakashictherapist.com. I'll see you next week on the next episode of the Akashic musings podcast. Bye for now and have a wonderful week.