Unknown Speaker
Welcome to the Akashic musings podcast. My name is Laura Mazzotta and I will be your guide during the sacred experience. I'm an Akashic healer and teacher, and I've also been a therapist for almost 20 years. This podcast is your go to opportunity for all things healing, inspiration and Empowerment. I will be sharing potent wisdom from divine intelligence in the space of the Akashic Records. For more understanding of what the Akashic Records are, I encourage you to listen to episode one, or head over to my website at WWW dot v Akashic therapist.com. I'm so grateful to have you here, receiving the powerful energetic shifts that radiate through these messages. Just by listening in you're doing your part to raise the vibration of the planet, and fully realize our natural state of wellness and vitality. Without further ado, here's today's episode.
Unknown Speaker
Hi, everybody, we are back for episode four of our eight episode series catalyze your soul's deepest embodiment in the context of relationships, it's so yummy. We've been having so much fun with this, both of us are like, high on life and energy today. So watch out because you got something else coming to you today, we don't even know what's going to come out of our mouths. So welcome to our special special room of love. If you have not listened to last week's episode, loving, without codependency, I think that was the name of it. Um, I went back and forth on the title like 16 times. So I think that's what I landed on. So definitely listen into that one. Because there's just what I really like about what we're doing here is we're taking some of these like really human concepts that have been created and understood by the brain. And we're, we're allowing ourselves to meet them energetically and spiritually, and being able to say like, Okay, how much of this really resonates for me, because these definitions and labels like, do not have to define you in any way, shape, or form. And that's, again, what we're talking about today, like, we're talking about attachment styles. And I could talk about attachment. For hours, I authored a 90 page manuscript on Attachment, my senior year of college. And its interaction from human attachment to our parental figures, and the correlating attachment that we have to God to our relationship with God. And it was fucking phenomenal. And I forgot who I for go for gone for went whatever that word is, all of my classes, like senior year of college and just did like a research project. So I know a ton about this. It's something that's really near and dear to my heart. That being said, since really fully awakening, I mean, I've always been spiritual. But since really fully awakening, I really don't like to put any of us in a box of any kind, and allow these labels to restrict us in any way. Right. And I know you feel the same way, Katie. Yeah. Yeah, it just, we can. I don't even like titles, right? Like, you know, I'm a so and so I don't care, right. Like I either like your energy, I want to be in it like I already don't, right. And these attachment styles like, we we don't want you to become attached to that type of style, right? That's a big part of this. It's like, okay, it's it's nice to under I think it helps to understand how you show up in different relationships. And I think, for me, at least, I have found that I have different attachment style, depending on the type of relationship. Yes. And so that, for me is always that great opportunity to like, see, Well, where am I? Where can I turn that back to myself, because a big piece of this is we end up abandoning ourselves and letting ourselves go. And
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so the fact that it can change, right, like your attachment style can change based on what that relationship is bringing, or presenting or what's coming, like what's coming forward from it. And so, turning that back to ourselves, I think, has been the most valuable and taking us away from the box. I agree with you. I think that's brilliant. Because, yes, it can arise differently in different relationships. And we also every single one of us exist on an attachment spectrum. It's a spectrum. We can all experience all types of attachment and I'm gonna refer to those in a minute but like, you know, I've experienced all layers I've experienced every single attachment style. You can go through all of them in one
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De like you literally can. And so it's just being able to be like present with your nervous system and not attaching to like, you know what that means and creating meaning around it necessarily. But the other thing that I really liked that you just talked about was, was this concept of how it comes up differently in relationships. And so sometimes, like, if I'm in a relationship with somebody who has an avoidant attachment style, my anxious attachment style goes up. Right? And so it's like, okay, there are situations in which that relationship on a soul level is here to help me expand and grow and step more into my own sovereignty, like you just said, turning towards anchoring within secure attachment to me, right. And sometimes, it's really a sign that it is taking me too far away from my own center. And it's either my opportunity to step into more sovereignty there, or it's, this is not for me right now. Right. And so I think it can be a gauge in that way, as well. And really, when we talk about attachment styles, it's the scientific understanding behind this is that it's related to the mother child dyad, the parent child that I had the caregiver and child dyad, where you know, when you're a tiny little nugget of love, and you're going to explore the world, how comfortable do you feel doing that without running back to your mother crying or running back to your parent crying, and being like, I don't feel safe, right, and knowing that you can keep coming back and have somebody that's consistently there to hold you. And so that then wires, the nervous system, where in relationships going forward, it's like, I need to keep coming back to you for reassurance to make sure that you're still there. That's really anxious attachment, I need to keep coming back to you to make sure that you still love me. And this can come in the form of reassurance This can come in the form of codependency, like we talked about last episode of gripping on and just being like, no, like, I can't like almost like I can't read without knowing that you have me. You know, like using someone else's your foundation, and we don't do this on purpose. And avoidant attachment is really that you get so used to somebody not consistently being there, like your parent not being there, that you don't fucking go at all. And then when that person comes to approach you, you actually recoil and you hide, because it's like, no, no, no, I can't trust this. Because if I go towards you and I open, I don't trust that you're going to be there to like, sustainably hold me. And then the foundation is going to fall out from under me. So you're still kind of seeing this as foundational energy, because it turns into this real hyper independence.
Unknown Speaker
I have like tears welling, because as you're explaining these right, I can very clearly see.
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And like I know, I know about these right? But like, I can clearly identify the relationships that that is exactly why the relationship has broken down. Right. And it's no one's fault, right? I think that's another big part. Like it's no one's fault. And their, their attachment style triggers my attachment style, right? And
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it's like,
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as you're talking, it's like, this is why, like our last four episodes are going to be a little different style than what these first four have been. Right? And we're going to be more activations, more channeling and why our retreat has the program that we've laid out, because we want to be able to take that like that fear of like needing to run back and say, Do you still love me that reassurance right, there is some deep healing that we can bring forward, whether that's through inner child work, or ancestral work or past lives, like there's so much depth to that to realign and harmonize with your soul to allow yourself to be in that secure place. But like that's, that's where I'm like, so excited to bring this forward. It's like less about to our earlier point less about identifying truly what style you are in what relationship and all of these human things that we've put around it, but like what is it that you crave? And for a lot of us that's reassurance or a lot of you know, some of us is NO I DON'T YOU we close off our heart right? Well, how can the healing that we're bringing forward in these last four and through our retreat right is going to be all about there's a ladybug flying around my house right now. That's gotta mean some.
Unknown Speaker
Absolutely. Awesome.
Unknown Speaker
Right, like, they're all of those things.
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I just lost my train of thought because that Ladybug, I knew that was gonna happen. Right? So it was very distracting.
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But it's like
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that healing work is is the meat of it. Right? It's like when we can get down and understand why we close off our hearts or why we seek that validation from someone else. We get to we get to decide we get to realign and make it create a safe, secure
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place for us to do that work? Yes. And I love this because I don't, I don't even like, I think in some instances, it can be helpful to know why. Right? Like, what, like, what purpose is the serving for me. And I think that sometimes that does have value. But I think what has even more value in the context of relationship is just recognizing that you're in something that provides an energy to the other person that activates them in a certain way. And it's being able to say, I recognize that this energy is intense, when I'm in or my anxious attachment is activated, I recognize that this is intense, and I can feel what it feels like on your end to receive that. And so let's be really intentional about what's coming up within you what's coming up within me, how can we meet each other in this and I think that's where being present with just what's arising in your nervous system, whether you call it an attachment style or not, but being very, very attuned, and include into your own energy and having that, that refined discernment, which is, again, of what we're going to be doing on our retreat, right, like that refined a sermon about your own energy and your own edges, being able to recognize when they're starting to extend, feeling the stretch in your own field, and recognizing that's also stretching someone else's. And it's like, I don't care whether you call that avoidance or anxious attachment, like, yes, that's the thing. I'm not saying it doesn't exist in the nervous system. And it's not a helpful framework. But I also don't think it's all of it. And I think it goes deeper than that, I think what it's really about as being present with with being a witness of your own energy as whatever type of energy arises in your field and being communicative about it. And I think when we talk about what I was saying earlier, that some of these are relationships that are meant to expand us in some way, we need to choose, like, I need to choose to forego this to focus on my own alignment is, is this person willing to be in that with you? Is this person able to say, you're totally right, I see that I feel that or not even you're totally right. But I do feel something like I recognize that I feel something coming up within me. And I'm willing to be with it. And I'm willing to, to be in in connection with you around it and see what happens with putting these energies together and having them meet and playing with them.
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Like, as you were talking before, and I kind of got like, you know, the emotion started to well, it was like, it gave me this piece of like, that's where it was helpful to, to know why. Right, the relationship started to break down. And it's that last piece, you were just saying, are both parties willing to come forward and hold that safe space, to understand each other and to work through it and to heal through it? And sometimes the answer is yes. Right. And that soul contract extends and or not extends, but like that's what that contract is written for. Or sometimes that is that parting and it's like, nope, or it's a readjustment, like a shift in the contract, I think is what I'm trying to say like, there's just a, right it's not an all it doesn't have to be an all or nothing, it doesn't mean like, okay, you can be in my life, or you're no longer in my life. There's, there's a rebalancing, I like this coming forward to because what you're talking about is allowing the unfolding in this space between you. And when we talk about attachment and relationships, we also have to talk about our attachment to outcomes, because our attachment styles and that state of our nervous system, and that presents with what's coming forward also exists when we attached to how many clients are coming in, how much money am I making? How many? How far have I gotten in my job? How many intimate relationships Am I like, all of these things, right? That the things that we think we want or that we need, and all of that, right? Like we have an attachment to those two, that can show up as the traditional attachment styles that are discussed, and you brought up something really important, a little while ago to around past lives and ancestry and all of that to which is true, like, when I look at the scientific piece of attachment that has its place. I don't think anything in the psychology world hence why being a therapist for 20 years, I have shifted over to the energetic and spiritual world because I was mind blown by the level of depth and sustainable healing that was accessible through this work. Don't get me started on that topic, total sidenote, so I feel like yes, attachment styles are related to our experience in childhood. Yes. However, our energy which is the built which serve is partially the building blocks of our nervous system, because they serve as the energy serves as the building blocks for absolutely everything that exists within our physical frame, and our reality. But when we look at the those building blocks, and we look at the nervous system, it's like it goes deeper than that your attachment styles are not just beginning, from infancy forward from being in the womb forward. They begin before that you are well primed by your ancestral lineage, and the attachment styles and the nervous system patterns that have been adopted there that have been heard.
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was in the energy and transmitted through the family line. I mean, they've done so many studies with the office of the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, and been able to see that literally at birth, they were exhibiting similar representations of this fight or flight or of the kinds of things that were being exhibited by the person who was in the Holocaust, they have no scientific evidence to prove that this energy is carried through a minimum of three generations, minimum of three. And that's all we know from the scientific literature, right? Like, that's not even the energy piece. And so you're carrying from there you're carrying from past lives like times when you've been like in extreme battle, and like people, everyone around you has been killed, your family's died like stuff like this has happened that has impacted us at a level that we don't consciously understand. But that Prime's you for what you're coming in with as well.
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It's exactly why I love this work, too, right? Because when we can get to the depths of the energy behind it, it recalibrates us in this whole new way.
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And so, those activations right, those triggers, right, that we like to call more activations, they are those opportunities for us to see the type of attachment style or the type of codependency that maybe we have, and shift it. And sometimes that takes more than sometimes it takes more than a conversation. But I think that you and I, especially recently have found, like, the level of energy that moves through a conversation is, is sometimes enough, right, or sometimes it doesn't have to be a conversation at all. And it can just be the energetic work, or it can just be the space or the silence, right of the, of that in between void. And there's something to be said about the energy piece to this it root, it removes the human and allows that soul just to really be fully seen. And that that feels like purity.
Unknown Speaker
Though terminology and the words that you used, and everything that you just said is just like,
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Ah, just being with it. Because you mentioned purity. You mentioned recalibration, right. You mentioned soul like that's what it is. But you mentioned void like be think about this people, as you're listening to this, I want you to imagine yourself in the void, like being in the void and allowing the void to be a holding space for recalibration to your soul. And I think that's what freaks people out. Because it's like, well, when I'm in the board, void, I'm freaking out do like that kind of stillness and that kind of spaciousness to recalibrate, I feel lost. I don't know how to do that. I don't know what that feels like I don't. And tapping into that, once again, retreat plug, this is happening a lot on this episode. That's what that's again, what we're going to be teaching you how to do right is to recalibrate, to that deep essence of who you are, so that you have this anchor of safety within you. So you're not worrying about, I'm gonna get abandoned, right? This is where abandonment wounds are strong, I'm gonna get abandoned, or I've already been abandoned so much that I'm simply going to abandon myself, I'm going to remove myself from all connection, including the one with myself in my soul, because I can't rely on anyone or anything. And so it's like, you don't have to worry about any of that when you really anchor in your own sovereignty. And you allow these relationship patterns to catalyze your soul's deepest embodiment, what do we mean by that, right? Like, really recalibrating to the soul, like Katie was saying, into the body, so that you can anchor this essence of you as your safe, safe holding ground as your spaciousness to be able to grow. And then when you're in connection with other people, you get to witness these activations that come up, and allow them to be a cue to return back into that safety within to that deep knowing. So yummy. is so good.
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The Void is
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sure can feel scary, right? Because what you knew to be true, is not anymore, right? But you sometimes don't know that truth yet, or you don't know where it's going. And so that's the void, right? That's where it's just that recalibration if we can start to detach from what it needs to look like or how it needs to feel or who needs to be there or blah, blah, blah, right? Like all of that we can detach from that and just sit in the void. There's part of me that has started to feel like are we always in the void? Right? Like, are we always kind of it? No.
Unknown Speaker
And I've got chills everybody who's not watching this on video. Like, go ahead
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Unknown Speaker
Are we always in the void. Like, I just feel like
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when we can get to the level of
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love for the void and like, love for the pain and the discomfort and the darkness.
Unknown Speaker
I feel like that's deep surrender. That's deep detachment that's deep trust in ourselves in the universe. Like I just
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I feel like a couple of months ago, if you would have been a couple months ago, I was in the fucking void. And I was like,
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and I feel like, again, I'm in the void. And sure there's a little bit of lightness like you said, the beginning this, you and I are spunky as energy today, right. Like, there's a little bit of lightness, but I feel like it's because I embraced even deeper. That void that void that space that with like, I don't know, like, Yes, I love this so much, because
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because, yes, and there's always there's always a void within us, you and I have been talking about this lately, right? Like there's always a void within us intentionally, because there always needs to be space for source to come in. Right, we always want space for source to create to provide us with opportunity. And so it's when you're in love with the void you're in love with the fact that you're always available to source energy are always available to be witnessed and welcomed into a new level of yourself. And, and I love this, I love this void conversation too, because there's also this piece of like, Yes, I'm in love with Boyd, but then there's like, choosing to be in it, then there's like, I'm intentionally taking things from my life and chucking them into the void, right? Like, I'm intentionally chucking them in. Because I choose detachment, I choose detachment because it sets me free and actually allows me to deepen my intimacy, right. And I've shared this with you. Like, when I was finally like, I'm chucking it all in the void, like, Fuck it, right? Like, I don't, the only thing I want to be madly in love with in this life is oneness and unity consciousness. That's the only thing I want to be in love with. And when I made that decision, the fucking love that entered my life, Holy fuck, it's just like, when I was like, I don't care about making money, I don't give a shit, right? I do not care. And I just throw it into the void. And I'm like, it doesn't matter, I'm just gonna be you're going to pay me, I'm going to be all of me, I want to see all of me, I want to show all of me, the money starts pouring in. Right? It's wild. It's wild. And that's the detachment piece that we don't see or realize, especially until we've tasted it, that that's the magic that exists that when we embrace the void and actually choose it, and actually choose to pour ourselves into it, what comes out of it is exponential. And it sets everybody else free to I was literally just gonna say and it says everyone else free by us attaching it allows you to be free, it allows other people to be free. And
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that detachment piece it almost in the beginning for me, it almost felt like saying like, I don't care about that. And I put that in quotes. Like, I don't care if that happens, right. But, and I and I was able to realize that recognize that and reflection, right? Because I would be like, Fine, fuck it. I Nevermind, I don't want that. Right. I'd be like, No, nevermind. And then it would literally show up. And I'm like, I thought I didn't want that anymore. Oh, no, I actually right, like, so it kind of felt like a how it did? And that's how it felt to me in the beginning. Now. Yeah, it's like,
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I don't I don't want to think about that. I want to think of my heart's mission and just focus on that and be at that point. So throw everything else in. And watch what the boy does, like, watch what the void does, yes, watch the flow, the natural flow of the void, right. And it's when we surrender, the timing, and the how, and the who, like we surrender all of that when we place it in the void. And that's why I'm so glad that I've been in connection with avoidant people that have put up blocks. Because
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what it has done, it's been deep medicine for me to be able to be in my own sovereignty and continue to ask to be forced to continue to come back to that safety within myself. And this is a very important piece that I want to point out because there's a lot of people in relationships that feel like, Why do I keep going back to this person? Why do I keep going back like this happened when I was a child in my relationship with my sister, like continually coming back to getting Smackdown Smackdown Smackdown light and it's just like, why don't I keep signing myself up for torture? And we think it's self sabotage. And this is so important, you guys, listen and write this shit down. Stop calling chips, salsa.
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sabotaged, does that make you feel good? No, it feels shameful. Sometimes we need to repeatedly be exposed to rejection energy, so that we can recognize our value. Right? Sometimes that's what it takes to beat the nervous system pattern out of our bodies. And it doesn't have to feel torturous, it can just be something you're very present and conscious about. But it's recognizing that sometimes we have a quote unquote block that shows up in our lives, to require us to be called back to ourselves, because we're so stubborn as human beings, that we won't choose that unless we are put in a situation where we feel we have to. And so I'm so grateful for those exchanges. And I don't want you to beat yourself up for it, I want you to realize that it is you growing step by step because the nervous system shift that would happen in one fell swoop would make your whole body shake. Right?
Unknown Speaker
I myself, and I've had so many clients where it's like, this shit again. And it's like, you get to this point where you're like, I am done with this shit. Yep. Right? Like, if you, you're eventually gonna get to a point where you're gonna be like,
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god damn it, right. And like, Yeah, we don't have to call it self sabotage, we don't need to put more shame on it. It's like, that's that pivot. That's that that's okay. If you're tired of doing it, what are you going to do about it, put it into the void, let it detach from it right, and start to shift. And that's where you go into the void. you devote deeper into yourself, right? You show up for yourself in a new way, not relying on other people or external things to help shift that for you, you get to decide you get to leave yourself. And be in that space of deep devotion and love remembering what is on your hearts mission wise. And also remembering that you're choosing to go back, like that's also a choice, like choosing to expose yourself to the pressure. And this is what I'll say with that. It's like, people say you're addicted to the pressure, the nervous system is addicted to the pressure or is that I'm not saying that doesn't exist at all, but or is it that every single one of us needs a different level of pressure to get to that point of awareness of, I'm ready to choose my power. And that level of pressure that we are that we are needing or meant to receive in order to get to that point differs based on the person for two reasons. One, your history and your lineage and your past lives. Because you everybody's wiring is different, everybody's gonna need a different level of pressure to be able to meet get to that awareness and, and how deeply that runs. And number two, the size of your fucking mission. Because I also know that the level of pressure that I can feel, and the level of squeezing that I can feel is in direct relation to the level of pressure and squeezing that I feel from the enormity of love that I am meant to receive and willing to receive from the universe. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker
Where did that go, dude?
Unknown Speaker
Oh, no, but it feels really yummy and really nourishing and really complete. Yeah, I'm good. I'm good. Can I just share a funny little, I wanted to share this funny little hoozy before we go, okay. It was a real that I saw on Instagram and damn do I wish I saved it. Damn. Because I have referred to this thing so many times with people. It was this it was this video short video with a groom and a bride. And the groom was anxious attachment. And the bride was avoidant attachment. Okay. So she's running away from him. Shocker. Because she's avoidant attachment. He's going, I love you so much. And she's like,
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she's like running away from him. And he's like, but you're so beautiful. And I just like want all of you and she's like, stop being so nice to me. And then he just keeps chasing her. And he's just like, but I love you so much. And then she's just screaming no and running around this fountain. And he finally stops on the side of the fountain and he bends over and he's like, exhausted and panting. He's like,
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ah, and she stops and looks around and goes, Wait, why aren't you chasing me anymore? And I'm like, exactly, like both people are in it. The avoidant wants it the anxious like, recognize you both want this energy, you've both called this energy and you're both willing to be present with the patterns that are presenting you both. You both want the same thing to be drawn to each other to expand and love, right? And it's just about being able to own and claim that that's how you're showing up and that that energy impacts people. And there's nothing wrong with it as long as you're both willing to just be unconscious compassionate, gracious patients. Vulnerable loving conversation about it.
Unknown Speaker
It's that last piece there. Right? It's the willingness to have those deep conversations for you to understand and see what each other really wants and desires and,
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and be able to elevate together. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker
Right, or decide that it is not the energy that you want to be in anymore. Yes, right. That you're sometimes it gets to I'm choosing my nervous system over this relationship, because although it is activating me and expanding me, I've also gotten to the point where I can hold myself enough. And I can return to that sovereignty is so consistently, that I love you, and I desire you, but I also desire me more. Yeah. And that, and I desire my solace more, and I desire my centeredness more. And so that can come in. And I want to share one more thing in a very different context, because a lot of this has been really more with the notes of intimate relationship.
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After I had sepsis, right, I was 30 minutes from dying. And then within the three years after that, there were multiple times that I was very, very close.
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And at one point, I mean, I had a lot of guilt as a mom. And I had a lot of fear of not being here for my children. And I realized at that point that, you know, I think I've shared before, whether it's in this or not, that I've surrendered, whether I live or die to the universe, for sure, that's completely in God's hands. But
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it was harder even to surrender my attachment to my children.
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I mean, it even brings up tears now, like, there's still threads there, right? Because it's like,
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being able to surrender my attachment to
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how happy they are, how successful their lives are, how fulfilled, they feel, how healthy they are, right? All the things, how solid they are, like, they are sovereign beings, right, and to go through that process of detachment, because as moms, there's a lot of anxious attachment, there's a lot of gripping, I got to make sure you're safe, I got to make sure I got I got a lot of pressure as a mom, right? People can really relate to this if you're a parent.
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Or even outside of that if you've parented anyone, including somebody else in your life, but it was that that detachment from
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having to grip onto their outcome, and knowing that they're sovereign beings who are free to flow wherever they desire to. And I think that is another really important example of how much detachment sets everybody free to be their own beings to have their own energy to flow where they're meant to flow. And, and to recognize
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the patterns that come up within you that hold everybody hostage.
Unknown Speaker
I love that you brought this up, because that has been a big journey for me, like my my story. I really never wanted to be a mom, that whole thing. Just never I never wanted that. And so when I became a mom, I was like,
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what, like, I just I was dismissive about it. I just didn't want it. Right. But then I became like, well, I have to do I should this is how like, and of course, I want the best for them. Just like I want the best for everybody else. Right? Yeah. But it was a really big turning point for me. And it still happens today. Right? Where?
Unknown Speaker
Like, just the other night I have, I have worked really hard on almost feeling like for me, the mindset has been like, they're not my children. Grapes. Right? They came through me I meant to be in their life. It is a soul contract. Yes. Correct. We are not in ownership.
Unknown Speaker
Right. That's, that was a big shift for me. And even the other night, we were working on homework and it was like, I could just feel the penting that the intensity coming up. And I was like, okay, pause right. Like, if this was a child that I was tutoring like I did in college, I would not have let that all get built up and anxious and right, the the pressure build, I would have taken a breath and seeing Okay, well how is it that they want to learn but with my child, it was different, right? And so it was another layer of detachment to be like, this is this is different than how they're learning right now. And that's okay. Right? And sometimes it right and it just, it helps you step back to because
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yes, you're their guide, yes, you have to help them especially in the human type of shit, that world that we live in, right. But it just gives you that other opportunity to say let them express how they want to express themselves and find a common ground without it being like, Well, do you need to do this right and you need to be so regimented and follow the rules and right because what it is, is it's really and then we have to end this episode. Oh my god, we keep talking
Unknown Speaker
But it's like it's about, it's about releasing,
Unknown Speaker
releasing that understanding or that that thought that they require you. And I think this is important for any relationship, particularly with children, it hits home, right? Like, they do not require me to be sovereign, expansive beings that completely fulfill their soul's purpose on this planet, they do not require me and to come to that that's a level of humility to meet by the way, that's fucking wild, right? That when I was surrendering this, it's like, they don't require me, they enjoy me, they appreciate me they benefit from me as I do them. But they do not require me and I do not require them. And that is like, like, nauseating and liberating all at the same time. Yeah, so anyway, all right, we're gonna stop talking now. But we love you people we really do. And I'm excited because our next four episodes like Katie was saying, we're gonna be introducing some healing into these episodes, some ignore experiential activating stuff. So get ready for the juice. And tune into the previous episodes to really catch this whole series. Thank you guys, for being here, we have a link in the show notes for our retreat, we really encourage you to connect to it, you can read it yes with your mind. But I want you to connect to it, I want you to connect to us I want you to connect to our energy I want you to feel what it would feel like to be in the room with us and other really beautiful heart centered intuitive beings and, and the space that that holds for you to to be all of who you are to show all of who you are to bring forward any aspect that that might feel shame, shameful that might feel unseen, right? Or like hidden or unknown. And like, we want we want to see all of you we want to be with all of you and we've been there ourselves where, where we've been hiding and, and where we've shown the deepest part of ourselves and it's vulnerable and it's intimate, and it's so expensive. Okay. Yes. And I said I was gonna stop talking. I kept talking. So we will see you for our next episode. And I'm not even gonna tell you what it's about. You can get surprised. Alright, we'll see you next week. Love you guys. Bye.
Unknown Speaker
Thank you for joining me for this episode of the Akashic musings Podcast. I'm so grateful you're taking the time to integrate healing at the deepest level. If you loved this episode, connect with me on Instagram at emerge healing & wellness or contact me through my website at www.theakashictherapist.com. I'll see you next week on the next episode of the Akashic musings podcast. Bye for now and have a wonderful week.
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