Unknown Speaker
Hi, everybody. Welcome back to our final episode of this now nine episode series that we are doing together called catalyze your soul's deepest embodiment in the context of relationships. We are a day late, possibly two days late by the time this is posted, so we apologize. But, you know, as we spoke about when we did our new moon reading, this was the full moon, and Scorpio preceded by the Jupiter Uranus, conjunction, Earth Day, lots of energy going around, you know. And, yeah, we feel ready, we feel ready and eager to share messages of sovereignty with you today. And we were just having a nice long conversation about this before we started recording, which is really this, what we're talking about today is this concept of being able to hold your truth and hold your sovereignty while you're still in intimate relationship or any relationship with other people. And literally, Katie and I were just working through some stuff on my end, where I think that one of the things that can come up in this is, but what is my truth right now?
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I think that's where I had gotten a little lost for a couple days where I was just like, kind of like, just really in my fields and confused. And of course, when we're confused, we know where in the mind, right? And just kind of like, what is my truth? And I think one of the biggest things that came forward while we were talking was how much of that energy that's in my field or in that statement around my truth is mine. Right? Like, how much of that is mine, and how much of it and it helped me realize that I was holding on to others energy, right? Others energy that had gotten just entangled, right, just gotten entangled with the clarity of my truth. It doesn't mean my truth changed. It doesn't mean my truth wasn't still there and fully accessible. It just meant that it was a little cloudy and kind of entangled with somebody else's truth. And the first thing that I wanted to do was kick myself being like, Oh, I took somebody's shit on, right? Oh, you know, but that's normal. That's human to take other people's shit on. And it's not about that. It's about recognizing when that comes into your field. And coming back into that. Ah, yes, I know. It's I remember, I know exactly what my truth is. So thank you, Katie, for holding space for that this today. Welcome. You're welcome. It is that remembering, right? We I think it's really easy to lose ourselves in relationships, especially new ones, whether right? Whether it's a new friendship, we just like want to, we're obsessed with that person, right? We're obsessed with their energy, we're obsessed what they can do what we can do together, right? And it's, it's a very natural part. And so I think through some of that, like,
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whether it's a newness or just a relation, like even an old relationship, right, we can get obsessed into it. And we can obsess over it. And that's where I feel like we start to lose ourselves. And so coming back to that remembering of our of our truth, and untangling those webs that we love to weave in the mind is, I think it's a beautiful gift actually, like it really, it shifts immediately. Like, it shifts immediately. Yeah, as soon as you have that recognition, and you can feel it in your body. And one of the things that I'll say to as an extension of what you were, what you were just saying is this applies to your relationship with spirituality, too. Because I know I mean, that's how you feel, particularly at the beginning of a spiritual path. You're just fucking obsessed with it. You're like, Oh, my God, I want to learn more, what else can What else can I know? This is so amazing, right? And you get like, you kind of latch on, right? You latch on and you kind of take some of that on and you can take on that identity of being a spiritual person. Right and forgetting your core truth, which is a combination of your soul. And this blueprint it gave to you for this 3d life.
Unknown Speaker
I love that because you're right, like no matter, a new hobby, right, like anything that you have going on, you can become totally engulfed in it and it's like, at what point Yeah, at what point is your identity still yours versus Yes. And I think that's, that's a big thing is sometimes especially if we're having conflict and relationships, it can feel like okay, I just need to I just need to come to clarity on this or I just need to fix this in order to blah blah, blah. And then that becomes your focus on everything else in my life is good. I just need to like, give this more space or clarity or, you know, intention and inadvertently that can become part of your identity and part of like your your mission.
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And, and it's like, is it really meant to be? Is it really meant to be? Or are you getting distracted? Are you getting lost in something. And I think that one of the things that Katie and I were talking about was,
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I was talking about this guilt I had been feeling, right. And it was this extended feeling that kept coming up for me. And that's not typical for me to have this extended feeling. Now, don't get me wrong, we've been in some special cosmic times. But still, what I was able to remember, as I was literally just talking this out to Katie, and then had this awareness was like, the longer I'm feeling something, the longer I'm holding on to something that doesn't seem to be resolving or finding clarity, naturally.
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It's the biggest indicator that it's not ours to carry, right? Because we know what to do with our own energy, our field knows what to do with our own energy. So if you're finding yourself like racking your brain and like, huh, or this is still not passing, right? Could it be really, really deep seated in past lives and stuff? Yeah. But if you give yourself enough space and bandwidth, to just be with yourself that answer and clarity is going to arrive for you, you're not going to sit in this forever. Typically, if you're sitting in it for that period of time, especially if you're further along on the spiritual path. It's not yours. And that's where like our relationship, and having these intimate relationships is so beneficial, because I was like, That doesn't seem like you, right? Like, you have been sitting in these feelings for weeks. Like it is why we are a couple days late. Right? Like, yeah, like, there's just been a lot of intense energy for both of us, right? But it's always been kind of like, what is still lingering here, right. And so as we were talking before, this, this was like, This doesn't seem like your truth. And that's when it all just started being like, oh, and then you came up with that beautiful thing I was like, right? Because we know how to, we are on healers, we know how to alchemize what we're feeling we have our own, we are our own medicine, but having that intimate relationship, to be able to call that out to have that space held to it helps us remove ourselves from it. The sauce, right, the human sauce that you call it right and see a different perspective. Yeah, and I think it's funny too, because in this whole experience, I've been talking less, like I've been talking less, because I haven't wanted to get in the mind. Right, I haven't wanted to get the mind to just wanted to be with the energy. And I think that part of that can be avoidance. And part of that can be a
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true honoring of the energy and trusting of divine timing. And that when the conversation was meant to be had between you and I about this, it was meant to be had because I was then in a space to be able to receive its truth. Because I guarantee you, if I had talked to you about what we just talked about, three days ago, five days ago, my I would have been in resistance, I would have been in more resistance and there had to have be a softening. And so I think that's the other thing that's important when we're talking about sovereignty is like really allowing, allowing the energetic dance to guide you as well and realize that, that it will always bring you clarity, and that you will continue to learn about yourself and have these reminders of Oh, right now I remember I know that truth that the longer that I hold on to something that it's not my energy, like, we know these things, right? We know these things, and yet, being able to graciously return to ourselves after a period of maybe feeling like we were away for a little while or not fully here. And I remember that's something that you had said at some point over this week, too, that you didn't feel fully here. I was just gonna say that. Yeah, even when you asked me if there was anything I wanted to talk about, like, I really don't and I've asked myself, am I avoiding something? Right? Because it does feel like it's very easy thing for me just to be like, No, I'm fine, right? But it also just has it's felt like I'm here like, I'm here.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah. It's not always like a spunky. Yeah, like I'm full on. But right. Do I feel like my full self? Well, I am in this expression right now. Do I feel like really uppity and bubbly and excited? No. Right but, and for me that that's like big groan because I thought that's what the level that we were at all the time right? It's like I thought that we were expected to be like happy go lucky all the time. Right.
Unknown Speaker
So yeah, do I feel like myself? There's this acceptance for me right now of just being like, this is me. This is me right now. Like the truth is coming out. It's settling that I'm just want to be with the energy. It's it's all moving. It's all happening and then, you know, having a cart
Unknown Speaker
Well done, or, like, I held a full moon ritual for myself last night and then had a carpool done. And it was like, they were so synchronistic. Right? It was very validating where I just trusted myself to do this full moon ritual that normally I don't, I don't hold them every full moon, right? Just kind of when it feels right for me, I trusted that last night, what I was releasing was all around competence and doubt and right. And then the car that's pulled is beautifully aligned with that, right. And it's like, I'm just here, like, I could sit here going around circles and circles and circles, right. And I could be all up in my mind on it. But instead, I feel like I've been taking those thoughts and really allowing them to, like,
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sink into my heart. And like, just allow them to be like, fully seen held with love recognized, because oftentimes, that's all that they really want, just like our emotions, right? And you just want to be seen.
Unknown Speaker
And then it's like, Okay, I did. And I have asked myself, am I avoiding something? And right now, I don't feel like I am, right. Like, it feels like no, this is just where I am with the energy right now. And it's okay. It is okay. And I think it's so important that you're sharing this in the context of relationships as well, because I think we sometimes feel like, we need to show up a certain way in our chips. And, you know, even in your most authentic relationships, there can still feel this, like, feel like this accommodation needs to happen to make sure that somebody like, if you're weird for a couple of days are not fully bubbly and yourself, right? It's kind of like, then your partner or somebody who's really close to you is gonna be like, what's going on, like, you just don't see. And they get weird about it, or they get uncomfortable about it. And that's not the you get to stay in your vibe, you get to own your vibe, that's what it's about is taking that emotional responsibility that Katie was talking about, like, letting the thoughts drop it down into the heart being able to hold it as asking, like, Does this feel like truth? Right? Is this truth to me? Let me feel it in my body, let me be with it. You know, whatever feels like truth. Let's expand it, let's be with it, right? Let's speak it. But
Unknown Speaker
that's the responsibility that you take for what comes up within you. And you're allowed to stay in that you're allowed to stay in joy, if your partner is not, or if the person closest to you is not. And that is a practice that makes people feel like Wow, I feel callous, or I feel like a bad person. And it's like, actually, because you recognize that you're holding a center of balance for that person, when they might not feel like they're able to or modeling something, or emanating a vibration that naturally elevates theirs. Right?
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, that's where showing up just as you write is
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the best thing that you can do for yourself and for your relationships that you're in, like, without the attachment without, you know,
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expecting to have a certain
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outcome or something specifically to be said, or you know, it.
Unknown Speaker
I don't know, I just I don't think that it's
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is as heavy as this energy has felt most recently, right? It's like, there's just this.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, like, it's just as exhale. And it's like, as it's exhaling, I just see it smoothing over like, all the bumps and all the things that are people asking us how we are we ask them how they are and this a lot of anxiety in this lot of like attachment and codependency right, like all of the topics that we talked about in this podcast, right? I think we said like, how does this keep expanding for us, right? It just that feels like the energy right now. And so this exhale, feels like a smoothing, right? And it feels like a smoothing out of all of these bumps. All of these like hiccups along the way. And it's not to say that it's going to be a perfect flat road going forward. But there's going to be an ease to where there's a gentleness, there's a softness to it. And that energy feels really sweet and welcoming. Especially since we've I feel like we've dug up a lot of like, one of my clients was like, We on Earth, a lot of stuff and like, yes, that's a great way to say it, because like, there's been a lot of uproar up roaring a pleading on earthing.
Unknown Speaker
And that makes our foundations Rocky, right? But now there's like this smoothing. There's this softening. Gentle Yeah, you can feel that deep breath. Like I'm just like, 100% it's been like, a complete restructuring of our foundation since December 2023 100%. Totally talked about that before here, too. And I think that's where some some of the sovereignty conversation can feel really shaky for some people because it's like, but I don't know if I fully anchored my foundation yet, you know, and it's like, well, you don't you don't have to have it fully anchored yet just to start stepping into your sovereignty. It's just about really one of the best ways of taking emotional responsibility is what Katie just said, was bringing a softness and a compassion and a gentleness to yours.
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Self. And when you bring it to yourself, that will extend to other people. And when you bring that to other people, when you're holding space for them, they get to be in, whatever they're in. And you get to respond just as you've practiced with yourself with softness, and gentleness and compassion, and really just a basic invitation of does that feel like your truth, just like you just did for me, you know what I mean. And so I think, you know, holding space is really about allowing that other person to be in wherever they are, and really fully coming from a vibration of, yes, I want all of you, I want all your excitement, all your liveness, all of your sadness, all of your vigor, I want all of it because as soon as, as that's seen, it's going to ground because you feel valued, you feel safe, you feel held, you feel loved. And that's what holding space from a place of sovereignty means where you can still be in support and connection from someone else. But it is from a space of encouraging and honoring their own sovereignty.
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Unknown Speaker
I love that, that feels really good. And the other thing I wanted to talk about was boundaries, because this comes up a lot with sovereignty. And it's so important that we make sure that we're not setting boundaries with other people, but we're setting them for ourselves. And this is one of the best ways for you to identify, you know, what you stand for what you stand in what you stand on, which is like, what are you available for? And what are you not available for? And this is not around? Oh, well, this pisses me off. And that doesn't piss me off. But it's like, what gets you to that highest level of elation, that's what you're available for, raise the standards for yourself, fill out something like that, where you make a list of what you're available for, and what you're not every week, if you need to, if you're a very rapid expander, right? Because that's going to change, it's going to shift every time our vibration shifts, your boundaries are going to shift. And that means that when you're in relationship with others, they're going to feel the shift, and then the space between is going to shift.
Unknown Speaker
And I don't remember maybe it was in one of our conversations. I can't remember where I recently heard this, but it clicked for me. It's like boundaries are about your values, to your point to your elation, right.
Unknown Speaker
But I've seen so many times, and even in the beginning of making boundaries for myself, was I'd made them per person or per situation. And it was like, that got confusing, right? It was laughs wallowing right. And then it was confusing for the other person to receive that because well, like, which, which boundary am I'm stepping over now, right? So when you align them to your elation like that, that's the secret sauce right there. Because
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you're going to be so firm in what you what you believe your values, that they'll naturally the boundaries will just make sense. There'll be more natural, right? They don't even need to be set. That's what's so cool.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, oh, sorry. i Yeah, I like because, yeah, I mean, I was talking to somebody the other day. And it was, it was the same kind of thing where it was like, you know, I don't need to set a boundary with you around anything. I'm just going to claim like, that's just not something I do. Like, that's just not a sandbox I play in, like, I just, I just don't choose that for myself. And that's not I, I don't like it when you do this. This is what you when you do this, this is how I respond has nothing to do with them. It's like, Oh, that behavior or that statement, or that vibe? doesn't resonate. Like it doesn't feel like elation in my body. And that's what I have chosen to, to align with. And so, you know, let's do something else. Because that's not really you know what I mean? It doesn't mean that I don't want to connect with that person, whatever. But I think it's so important for you to recognize this, this. I guess delineation around boundaries is that it's really about you getting to know yourself more, choosing yourself more, and knowing your truth and just speaking and standing in it and knowing that that's modeling for other people, and I guarantee you your intimacy is going to skyrocket when you do that, because you're so clear. You're so clear the on the devotion back to yourself.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, there's there's no room for questioning it. Nobody can trump it, because that's the thing. Like you don't need to set boundaries if you're not available for the conversations or the questions that do not resonate. Right. Right. And it's just like, I just don't, I don't need to have a conversation about it.
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Unknown Speaker
So, alright, so we're gonna do a little sovereignty
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activation here, we're just going to do some tapping. Okay? So what this is going to do is really just align you to the vibration of sovereignty. And tapping is a brilliant modality, I'm not going to be using all the points, I'm just going to tap on the chest, you're welcome to use one finger, two fingers, three fingers, four fingers go as lightly or intensely as you'd like, if you're listening to this on audio only, you can jump over to YouTube, if you'd like to watch this on video to be able to follow along. But that's another reason why I'm not shifting the tapping points because I want to honor the people on podcast, who are just going to be tapping your chest with both hands as lightly or as firmly as you'd like. If you want to move your fingertips around to your shoulders to your face, to your legs to your belly to your lower back. Feel free. You can tap wherever you want. It's fine. There's no rules here. And we're going to couple this with the breath. You're welcome to recite the statements that I state after I state them or you can just listen and receive whatever feels good to you.
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All right, Katie, close your eyes.
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All right, everybody, let's just take a nice deep breath in, allow the eyes to close if they haven't already. And let the shoulders fall back and down on the exhale.
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Another deep breath in and hold it at the top of the breath
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and then release with a sigh
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signaling to the subconscious mind that we are letting go.
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Continue to breathe slowly and deeply allowing your face to soften your jaw to loosen
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feeling your ribcage expand frontward backward and to the sides
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we're just going to start tapping on the chest as lightly as firmly as you like as fast as you want
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and you're welcome to keep your eyes closed or your eyes open whatever feels good
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and you can receive or repeat after me
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I am whole
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I am one
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I feel my truth in my body
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my truth will always make itself known
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my truth is infinite
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my truth is always expanding
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and I choose to expand with it
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by adopting a natural curiosity about myself
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bringing in gentleness patience and compassion
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I always know
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and I will get to my clarity
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I trust divine timing
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I trust the energetic blueprint of this lifetime
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I trust that my soul and my human are creating together
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keep tapping here and take a nice deep breath
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I love myself
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I love my truth
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I can see through the fog
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I choose to lift the veil
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I choose to own what I desire.
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I choose to trust that my desires are divine
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that absolutely anything is possible.
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And the universe is showing me through my desire
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how much more I meant to access
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it is safe and it is expansive to access more.
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To want more to desire more.
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I made
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Divine Being of Light
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My mission is limitless.
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And I choose the courageous path of being led
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a following the subtle nudges of my energy
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even when they don't make sense.
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This is a sacred path
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leading me to my full actualization.
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And I stand tall on my truth
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in the presentation of who I currently am
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and I own accept and appreciate all of me.
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Stop tapping, take a nice deep breath in.
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And release. Just feel the energy in your hands, you may hold your hands together as if you're holding an energy ball, but feel the energy that's been generated, how your body feels you may feel a buzzing or a numbing little dizziness.
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You may want to sway a little bit.
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Just keeping your eyes closed here for a few more moments.
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Allowing the energy to settle and center.
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Taking a nice deep breath in.
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Whenever you're ready, you can open your eyes
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How do you feel Katie? Oh my gosh, like on a cloud.
Unknown Speaker
That was very helpful. loved that. I deeply appreciate that. I think I'm gonna come back and do that again.
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When we get to return to it. So you guys, if you know anybody who could benefit from this, please share the link. And you can tag us if you want at emerge healing & wellness or the keep the KDE white on Instagram. And we just want to thank you so much for being part of this series with us. It's been
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so magical and fun and intense and on earthing
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and bold and bold and like more than we could have ever have imagined or that we ever like it was it was bigger than our intention that we said yeah.
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Yeah, yeah, this has been really beautiful. And we're really eager to dive even deeper. This is literally just the surface of what we have presented here on the podcast.
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The depths to which we are diving into this on our retreat is unparalleled, unparalleled. It's going to be tangible, tangible magic, and we want you to be there with us. So check out the link, it's in the show notes and reach out to either of us individually. If you have questions. Is there anything you wanted to say? Katie? No, I, I guess the only thing right? It's just we, this is gone beyond our wildest dreams, right? And it's expanded us in new ways. And so to be able to help guide and all this space,
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like, it brings me to that exhale, I can just yeah, just get bigger and bigger. Yeah. And that we're really inviting you into meeting us in it.
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Because we're doing this work every day, as you can tell right and continuing to expand and garner deeper wisdom and safety and reverence and intimacy, you know, and it's going to expand probably about 25 times before the retreat in September. Nice. Yeah, easily. So we're just inviting you to join us and meet us and this
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really just intimate connective
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depth filled place. That is literally our favorite place to hang out. Yeah, like literally
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will also love a lot and have fun and eat chocolate. So there's that there's always chocolate always and water, tons. And snacks, lots of snacks. Alright friends, we love you. Thank you again for being part of this with us and we will undoubtedly see you very very soon. Have a wonderful day.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai