Welcome to the Akashic musings podcast. My name is Laura mazzotta, and I will be your guide during this sacred experience. I'm an Akashic healer and teacher, and have also been a therapist for almost 20 years. This podcast is your go to opportunity for all things healing, inspiration and empowerment. I will be sharing potent wisdom from divine intelligence in the space of the Akashic records. For more understanding of what the Akashic records are, I encourage you to listen to episode one, or head over to my website at www theakashictherapist com. I'm so grateful to have you here receiving the powerful, energetic shifts that radiate through these messages, just by listening in, you're doing your part to raise the vibration of the planet and fully realize our natural state of wellness and vitality. Without further ado, here's today's episode. You
music, Hello everyone, and welcome to soul talk. This is our first episode, and we're very excited. This is an opportunity for you to just be part of a soul chat with soul sisters coming together on topics that are really coming alive within our fields, and feel really like they're inviting us to share them with the collective. And every time the three of us get together, the wisdom just deepens and deepens and expands, and it's just very yummy goodness. So we're going to share that with you. So who's here? Jenna greengold is here. She's the conscious, conscious Alchemist. I have coined this term that she's the conscious Alchemist. Talk about what that means in another date, if you want. And Nino Perez is a walking orgasm. This is my definition of her, because everything that comes out of her mouth feels like an orgasm. So I've decided that this is her title. So we're going to go with that for now. And today, we're going to talk about devotion, and I want you to really give yourself some space and time to receive this conversation today. Don't worry so much about getting into your head and getting into conscious understanding. I want you to really feel into what comes through. And there are going to be truth bombs that are going to be dropped by every single one of us, because that's what happens when we get together. And I want you to jot them down or just pause and allow yourself to be with it, soak it in, integrate it and feel into it. Okay, all right, so let's start with what Devotion means to us. So who wants to start talking about what Devotion means to you? Go ahead. Nino, I
was just gonna say, let's go. Nino,
I You want me to go first?
Oh, so a couple of months ago, I did an exercise on writing out what devotion meant for me, and interestingly, what came for me was just this deep return. A deep return to authenticity, a deep return to just continuing on, no matter what it looks like, no matter if it's today, I do nothing, or if it's today, I do everything. And that came up for me a lot because I was struggling with dedication. And dedication felt very masculine, very doing, very straining. And devotion is that soft return to just being authentic, and it's a deep vow. It's not a vow to do anything but a vow to be and so that, for me, is what devotion is.
That's hot Nino. I love you. I like that. And what came forward for me as you were talking is like, yeah, it's like a love of of self, a deep love of self, because that's love of source and devotion, devotion to source, loyalty to self is devotion to source.
That's yummy. And I think that what comes forward for me, shockingly, is the sensation of devotion. Right? Because I can come to another like everything you guys said. I'm like, Oh, yum, delicious, yes. Like the soft return, when you said that, Nino, like a soft return. Because I think, you know, when I think about it with the mind, the first thing that comes up is, like, commitment, right? Like that dedication word that you were talking about, Nino, right? It's like, yeah, it feels like commitment. Like, okay, well, I am going to dedicate myself to, and and there's a rigidity and a should and a have to, and a pressure that kind of comes up in my field around that. And so I think that for me, whenever I'm looking into what is the meaning that I'm that I make of something or that I understand, I really tune into the body, and I feel into what devotion feels like and to me, devotion feels like profound presence, right? It feels like a profound presence with, with whatever like, with what's coming up within my physical body, with what's in my emotional field, with what's in my field, with what source desires to offer, with what it's also a devotion to humanity when I'm just in profound presence, because it's a devotion to receiving what humanity is currently offering me in my field, because that's also from source, right? And so I think that, yes, you can get into this sensation of, like, what does that actually feel like in your body? And I guess for me, it really lives in my sacral space. I feel like devotion kind of lives in my sacral space, which, for those of you who don't know, is like the womb space just below the belly button. And yeah, it just kind of feels like, like a place where I'm housed, makes me think of that, um, that deep love of self that you were talking about. Jenna, you know, where it's just like, it's a place where I can kind of snuggle up, like, that's where the inner child is, like, it's place where I can snuggle up. And it's that snuggling up feeling that the sacral is also the space for belonging, right, and connection to other people, and feeling received by our community, being in community. And so I think it's kind of cool that that's how it shows up in my body. How does it show up in your body? Nino,
yeah, for me, definitely the sacral. But going into the heart, it's a very fluid, flowing texture. And I say flowing because it's it's allowing to lean in, allowing to lean back. It's that softness of here, no matter what. And so it feels almost like little kids blowing bubbles in the springtime, and you see all the dandelion fluff flying, all of the the love and the passion that we have going outwards, but also at bringing great joy. And that's what devotion feels like, inside my body, like an eternal springtime. Ladies, those faces
that's, that's your walking orgasm title. It feels like an opening, right? And that's the way you describe it. I love that you brought joy into it. It's like that, like, chokes me up when you say that, because it just, I think that that's a really cool texture that you brought in. That devotion can feel really sincere, right? It can feel like really serious, that it's that which is still the energy of that dedication word, even if the dedication word isn't there, right? And so it can still feel like that. But I love that you brought up that texture of just like, it's an opening, it's a freedom as well. There's, there can be freedom in our devotion. There can be like, it's like a celebration, almost like, uh, an opening into more of us. Oh, I like that. Thank you. Yeah,
it's its own frequency. All those things are born of devotion. Feels like heat to me in my body, because it feels like momentum. Because when you remain in devotion, it moves you. I mean, you don't move when you're not devoted to shit, right? Like, you're just gonna be like, in stasis. Like, yeah, but when you're devoted to something, even if it's something small, even if we're not talking about a source point itself, you still move.
I really love this. And you know, I have a question for you, Jenna, before I move on and jump on what you just said. But where is it in your body? Jenna, I.
It's like my entire torso. I feel like kind of like what Nino said with flowing, but it's like this line, like heart, solar, sacral, and like back and up, like this. And it just feels like heat, like just rising and just going through each center.
Okay, cool. I love us. And those of you who are listening or watching definitely let us know where, where you feel it if you need to pause and kind of tune into your own body, and you know, where is it? Where is it coming up for you? What is the texture feeling like for you? And what I want to just comment on that Jenna was just talking about, is like you're not going to move if you're not devoted to shit, right? So for me, that brings in decision and choice to be devoted. So how like, what is your relationship to that? Because this is such an interesting unfolding for me, right? Because it is, it's I've always said, you know, I flow, right? I've got so much feminine energy, I flow, and then I allow things to come up. But it's not passive, right? It's not passive. It's not like I'm flowing and I'm allowing that. Because there was a certain point where I made a choice, and I decided that my top priority is my relationship with source, that my top priority is my relationship with with energy, right? And choosing to see everything on this planet and things that arise within my field as energy, not personalizing them, are going to mean anything, right? Not gripping on or attaching. And so it's like, but then, when we make choice, there's some level of attachment there, right? We are choosing to devote and so does that choice come from? Well, I'm deciding to do this because I know what's best for me, or am I choosing to do this because I've been guided into and knowing that this is where I'm meant to be, and therefore I'm becoming more convicted in it through choice to allow this to deepen. So I think I just answered that for my self as I kept talking there. But Nina, what comes up for you around this?
Oh, I was hoping you'd start with Jenna, because I'm still processing.
Yeah, let's do it. Jenna, you're on you're on deck. Well, no, she's on deck. You're up I,
I appreciate this metaphor. I, I feel like, in that way, it has a lot to do with sensation, because that's going to arise from your soul, um, like when you end up deciding, and that kind of goes into things we've talked about before with, with with soul led desire. So I think it's similar, and that it's so led devotion. Because eventually, when your soul, when it's in alignment with something, that choice will automatically flow out of you, and it's not going to feel like it's a choice that you're making. It's just going to arise, and then you're going to look back and be like, oh shit, I made a choice here. Like, Oh, should I decided something? And then you can keep returning to that if you choose to do so at any given moment in presence. But I think that a lot of the time when you're having to consciously choose something, you have to kind of, I don't know. I'm trying to think about how I want to say this with devotion, because it's like, when you flow into devotion, it's it's easier to stay within it, it's easier to feel that heat, it's easier to create, it's easier to move, but when you're trying to, when there's trying energy, when you're trying to force yourself into a devoted space, then that's when you have to kind of return to the soul and return to is this truly devotion? Is this something I really want?
Yeah, I think what you're saying, what it feels like to me, is like, which is really cool is that your your energy, is deciding, right? It's almost like your soul is, your soul has been in alignment, and then you've realized, Oh, should I decided something? And the reason you have that recognition is because of your attunement to your own subtle energy, right? Because you're in attunement and you've taken responsibility for being in attunement with your subtle energy, you then have the awareness of when something is chosen. And I think it's important to also note that this depends on where you are in your journey, because I think earlier on in the spiritual path or learning about your energy, you don't have as much of an understanding of the subtle nuances and shifts and awarenesses within your field, and so it does feel more like a conscious decision. I know this was a shift that you had, Jenna, where it was like, I don't I don't want to decide with my mind anymore. I don't want to decide with my nervous system, even, right? I want to allow decision to arrive to me so that I and then I'm in recognition of the decision that's been made by my field. I think that's really cool. Nino, are you? Are you done processing?
Yes, and I like that. You guys both brought up the the conscious choosing versus the energetic soul led choosing. That's the part that I was processing, because early on, in my practice and in my own understanding of what devotion was, I did see it as something that I had to force myself to do initially. But it's not showing up, it's reframing what showing up looks like. Because when you're using your mind, you think showing up is that trying energy. It feels like, if you don't show up, though, to 100% that it's equating to not showing up at all. And devotion is so different. Devotion is I'm here. I'm here at my worst and know it's enough. I'm here at my best and know that it's enough as well, right? It's detaching from all the judgment and all of the definitions that we've been given of what like, what dedication means, what making a choice means, you feel like, before devotion was this conscious, rigid, I have to do this, and now it's a I get to do this, and it feels good, and My body feels like it's kind of like melting into the action. You're melting into action, rather than pumping and forcing into an action. And that's the way that I sense the difference of, Am I doing this out of devotion, or am I doing this because I think it's what I should be doing, and
I think that's where a lot of the pressure comes in, right? And that's a lot of it has to do with 3d space, because we'll put devotion into certain containers within the 3d rather than just allowing it to flow through all of them and letting them meet those containers or create the container, containers themselves.
I really, really love that you brought that up, because I think that's, that's exactly what was coming up for me was this concept of like,
it's, it's similar to what Nino said at the beginning, where devotion is really like a being, a becoming. And in that then your devotion extends wherever you are, like, it's not like, well, I'm devoted to you. I'm devoted to this, and I'm devoted to that. Those are the containers you're talking about. Jenna, right? Instead, it's like, no, I'm just, I'm just a deeply devoted being. I am a devotional being. And in that, that profound presence, as I defined it, right for myself, which is like, no matter where I am, I am devoted, you know? And that's kind of cool, because it's, it's almost like feels like a value system, right? It almost feels like a value system, like like a foundation to rest in and and an embodiment. And it's really cool, because I actually just, just did a module for Akashic immersion around, you know, you're finding your Akashic home and other dimensions and really anchoring your Akashic home within the body, you know? And I think that it's it does it brings up this, this flow and this sensation of, of what you are talking about, Nino, that we get to be in this space of, I am my walking Akashic Record. I am walking devotion. I am this resonance all the time. And in addition to that, there's times that I choose to go into sacred devotional practices that are separate from me being devotion, but still allow me to invite a deeper immersion in sacred space where I get to soak in deeper codes of whatever you know, of devotion, whatever devotion is coming up in my field. And so I loved that, because you guys kind of both touched on that, where it was like, there's these containers of, yeah, we have sacred ritual where it's like, Okay, I'm going to go into a place of devotion which still exists, even though, even if you embody it as a resonance right there, they seem like two separate things, but they get to exist at the same time you get to be in devotional practice at the same time that you get to embody it. And so if you guys have thoughts on that, please share them. But also, I think it might be helpful for people to get a. Sense of what kinds of actions like you were talking about action Nino, right? And like taking action and melting into action rather than forcing and it's like, what does devotion look like in action for each of us?
Yeah, just before getting on this call, I entered an intentional devotional act. I lit a candle, and I poured intention into the candle. I prepared my vessel to receive downloads, to be an open channel for whatever wanted to come through that's being, not the sense of being, but that is entering a more activated devotion in as far as creating that container. But on my daily it can be as simple as looking at the sky and allowing myself to receive and to feel one with the wind, feel one with the sky and the earth. And that, for me, is devotion in your daily practice, your routine. The beingness of devotion is when you do it without thought, without intention. It's just you moving through life and knowing that everything that you do and say, no matter what it looks like, if you take your judgment off of it, it is devotion, because it's devotion to your authenticity. It's devotion to your rawness and the medicine that you hold with your frequency, your beingness, and again, intentional devotion being okay. I'm setting this time aside. I'm going to strip all of the world away from myself and allow myself to sink in, to melt into who I am, and I use different props and modalities to amplify devotion, to direct devotion for a specific cause or intention.
And I would also say there, first of all, I mean, just the vibration of that just has me like lulled. So we'll just start there. But so thank you for I feel like that was like a blessing that you just bestowed upon us. So thank you. And I also just want to say that I think that, you know, using the tools and and coming into like putting the devotion into some kind of container, whether it's ritual whatever, is also a very sacred way that we're revering our choice to be human, right, and bringing it into earthly container at the same time that we're saying, you know, like I say when I'm in practice, may there be none of me and all of you, that doesn't mean I'm casting my human aside. That doesn't mean I'm negating, right, my human but it's, it's creating a sacred space where, like any agenda, any edges get to go away and bringing the infinite into 3d container to let it work its magic in its own way, right? So, yeah, that was really beautiful. Yeah, thank you. Jenna, do you have thoughts on this love?
I'm just ooh. I'm obsessed with you. Nino, I really like, I really, really like that, but it just kept bringing me back to presence, and that the deepest devotion that you can have is to be present, because everything will extend from that. And then, like you said, with modalities, I don't think that it's think people can get caught up in thinking that it's the devotion to those modalities, or it's the devotion to those practices, when in fact, it's just the extension of yourself, the extension of the desire and the momentum within your energy that leads you to those things.
Yeah, 100% I absolutely love that. So I think what we should do is, I think that we should make our next episode on presence, because I think that that is something that we've we've talked about a lot today, and I think within that is this concept of flow and return to authenticity, and allowing authenticity and opening to that, and feeling the intimacy and the joy that can come from that. But I think it's something that a lot of people struggle. I know it's something a lot of people struggle with, you know, and I think this goes from nervous systems being activated, being too much in the mind, and also, just like honestly, having so much momentum that you feel restless sometimes. And so I think being able to bring even the concept of momentum into that conversation with presence, and realizing that they can both exist and and really bringing forward some some nuggets of of wisdom and some frequencies that can assist people with with making the. Is a priority in their lives, if it's something that feels like it's calling to them. So is there anything else that you ladies would like to share before we close up today?
Not solid. This was great.
We're solid. Yeah. This was, this was orgasmic. Thank you, Nino.
Yeah, thanks Nino for
bringing that activation to this All right, so guys, we will come back for another episode of Soul talk, and please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions that come up, or areas that you're activated, or, you know, comment and let us know, what does this call forward within you and or invite you to be with or to inquire about within your own energy field, and we will see you very soon. All right. Love you. All
bye. You.
Music. Thank you for joining me for this episode of the Akashic musings Podcast. I'm so grateful you're taking the time to integrate healing at the deepest level. If you loved this episode, connect with me on Instagram at emerge healing and wellness, or contact me through my website at www theakashictherapist com. I'll see you next week on the next episode of the Akashic musings Podcast. Bye for now, and Have a wonderful week. You
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