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Laura Mazzotta: Welcome to the second episode of the freedom frequency. Today we are going to talk about whatever the fuck we want, because we want to tap into the frequency of freedom. And I wanted to kind of start today with talking about this concept that's been coming up for me around these like
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Laura Mazzotta: subconscious contracts that can exist that can hold us back in ways that
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Laura Mazzotta: we may recognize and we may not recognize. But even if we do recognize them. We can kind of get like attached to them, and then they hold us back right? So, for instance, I'll give you an example of this. So
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Laura Mazzotta: one of my strong desires lately has been to be just very devoted and focused in my work.
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Laura Mazzotta: Now my work is service. It feels like service, right? But I think that anytime we use the word work. What comes up for me is this fear around? Well, my dad was a workaholic. Even my mom was kind of a workaholic for a period of time and
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Laura Mazzotta: but especially with my father. It felt like that always superseded
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Laura Mazzotta: the kind of emotional attention, the presence, the gentleness.
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Laura Mazzotta: and so I have this fear of neglecting my children or neglecting my family. That's very deep within me that I've attended to so many times. So when this desire comes up around focusing on work, it's like I can do it for a period of time. Then I start to get anxious about it, and I've recognized you know what this is kind of my default. When this shows up, it's like my default
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Laura Mazzotta: to say, Oh, well, this is just because I'm afraid of being like my father, and it's like, you know what the number of times I've attended to this the number of times I've been with this and cleared it, and it's now just become a habit.
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Laura Mazzotta: It's now just become a habit that this comes up in my mind, and I get to actually just decide
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Laura Mazzotta: this isn't a thing anymore.
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Laura Mazzotta: Right? Like this is no longer the association I've been in presence with, that. I've cleared that I've healed that. Now what I recognize is this, really, this is really me being invited into demonstrating for the collective that you can make this choice, especially as a woman.
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Laura Mazzotta: and be deeply, deeply present with your family, and deeply present with yourself, and deeply present with what you desire. And so I think that's an important thing to bring up, because I even talked to a client. I think it was like 6 or 8 weeks ago.
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Laura Mazzotta: and she was talking about. We were having this conversation about her focus on her career and her focus on like establishing an intimate relationship.
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Ana Jones: Hmm.
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Laura Mazzotta: And so what the question that the Akashic records brought forward for her was, you know what feels like a stronger desire within your field right now, and she was like my career, and she goes. That makes me feel gross, and that makes me feel awful, because I'm not supposed to choose a career over a partner.
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Laura Mazzotta: you know. And and so this is something that is rampant through the collective, this shame that can come up with like claiming what we desire and feeling like. Well, it's wrong, because either that's not how it's typically done, or it's wrong because of how things have unfolded in my family, and it's being able to recognize. What do I desire to stand for? What is the pathway I desire to create that invites people into a different way.
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Ana Jones: Yeah.
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Ana Jones: I mean, you just touched on so many things. And I and this could go down so many different routes. And it's so interesting because I was already
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Ana Jones: talking about. You know no shame in the game today, right? Because this is some. This is a conversation that I have with some of my clients who are just starting their business, and it's like, Well, I have to let go of what's already bringing income. What's already giving you the lifestyle that I want, because I have to jump. I have to go for it. I have to take that leap, and I was like, hold on
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Ana Jones: to me. It does not make sense to like to bless you, to like, dysregulate your nervous system in a way that's so shocking
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Ana Jones: that you're just gonna spiral down into God knows what, because, like somebody on social media told you that you had to take that leap and you had to make that jump. And it's all or nothing. And it's like, Yeah, it it is really all or nothing in the sense of like. This is what I want to do like. This is the direction in which I want to go, and
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Ana Jones: I know that this is something that my my job or my current reality, whatever, is still sustaining me. It's gonna be very clear when your job
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Ana Jones: is going to stop sustaining the passion and the passion becomes what sustains you or something else. Right? We we a lot of times, we think, like, Oh, our purpose or passion is to, you know, heal a Bajillion people. No.
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Ana Jones: your purpose on this earth could be like to snuggle with puppies
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Ana Jones: legit legit like that a lot of times we just like your purpose could be to just like, you know, walk down the street and tell someone that they look beautiful, or that they you admire whatever right like. I think that sometimes we make things so much bigger.
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Ana Jones: and we question ourselves like, Oh, my God! Am I doing enough? Am I this and that? We're in this fixing mode.
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Ana Jones: and, like you, what you were talking about your client. It's like.
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Ana Jones: who cares right like? Who cares if you want to dedicate your time right now to your business, if you are doing something that you're excited about.
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Ana Jones: You know it would be ideal if we do it every single day, and I'm not talking about something big. It can be like drinking a coffee like going over to your favorite park, whatever. But I believe I'm a firm believer that if we do something that really we really enjoy every single day. Everything else is gonna come in. The partner is gonna come in. The community is gonna come in the I don't know what you whatever you want, the private chef, the trips, the whatever the opportunities, everything is gonna come in.
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Ana Jones: And I actually started.
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Ana Jones: Well, I just did today. But I feel amazing, and I haven't really done anything. I've been in pajamas all day, and I'm loving this. I had a zoom call earlier. Then I had to do something else. Oh, another zoom call, and I had to do some stuff in between. And then I met up with you like. It's been a very chill day. I haven't left my house, and I'm like.
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Ana Jones: I'm just having the best day. Because this this morning I did a very short, brief meditation, visualization, whatever you want to call it. And I just said to myself, today's going to be the best day of my life
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Ana Jones: today is going to be the best day of my life, and all the people that I need to speak to are going to show up, and all the opportunities that I need to attend to are going to show up, and today is the best day of my life. I just know it, and I feel it, and I and I can see it, and I can taste it. And when you're in that space of like today is the best day of my life, it's like what could go wrong?
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Ana Jones: Quote unquote, you know, like everything's gonna be amazing. So I I love that approach of just like
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Ana Jones: who fucking cares man like just go for it, do whatever whatever is really lighting you up in this moment, and everything else is going to fall into place, because I know that I can get in my head sometimes, you know, you and I talk about stuff.
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Ana Jones: So it's like I like that. I like that approach just what feels alive in you. Now.
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Laura Mazzotta: I like that, too, because it's really what you're doing is you're choosing this frequency of desire. You're choosing this frequency of freedom around being able to actualize the sensation of desire at any time, and the fact that you have those desires fulfilled at any time, you know. And I was just talking about this with somebody this morning, actually, where we were talking about
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Laura Mazzotta: this concept of like, yes, you can have 2 desires at the same time, like like I use the example of. I can desire to eat dark chocolate right now, and I also hold the desire of being really clean and pure in my physical body long term
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Laura Mazzotta: right? And so it's what is the energy that's meeting me in this moment and being able to tap into that sensation of desire, and recognizing that I can choose to fulfill this in any way that I am most strongly drawn right now, not from just like, oh, I want to satisfy this, to like. Shut up my craving right. But from from a space of what you're saying like that vibe today is going to be the best day of my life. I know what I can feel it. I can see it, I can taste it right, and I think that
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Laura Mazzotta: us being able to have long term things that we can look forward to say. I have a beautiful trip to Sedona and the Grand Canyon and Antelope Canyon that I'm going on in April. I'm so excited about it. I love traveling. That's a huge desire of mine. I'm also not gonna sit here in waiting energy until that time arrives, because I have multiple things. In fact, this is a practice that I do every single month, right before the beginning of the next month is, I put multiple things on my calendar each week
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Laura Mazzotta: that I am excited about that. I just really desire that I'm really, really looking forward to. And the daily things do come in that decision to be like this morning. That you said you were today is gonna be the best day of my life.
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Laura Mazzotta: and I was sitting there saying, like, my life is so amazing, it's so spacious, it's so abundant, it's so free like. I am so grateful right and just sitting in that vibration
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Laura Mazzotta: at the same time that I don't, that I continue to actualize the desires that come forward like movement on that is important, because yes, we want to decide it. But we also want to act in accordance with it, because that just gives our nervous systems that the tangible evidence that we're actually putting this into play, and it also tells the universe
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Laura Mazzotta: I'm receiving your invitation, and I'm taking it seriously right. And I'm not allowing old stories to come in that tell me that I can't actualize it. I can have the worst trauma history in the world.
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Laura Mazzotta: right? And I can still make those choices. Now. Granted, my nervous system is going to desire to be grounded in a safe space in order to do so. If I've had complex trauma. But you know it's really being able to meet yourself and where you are and where you are going, and who you desire to become.
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Ana Jones: Yeah.
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Ana Jones: yeah, yeah, I love that. And it's so true. We we oftentimes forget that we are in co-creation with God, with universe, whatever you want to call it. And so, you know, I sent you this Instagram video today. I don't know if you've watched it already, but my sister sent it to me, and it was like, I think it's probably like the best Abraham Hicks.
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Ana Jones: Video. I I've seen because Abraham Hicks to me, is like it's great. I love her, them whatever, but
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Ana Jones: it also seems very like far fetched at times, you know, because it's like so out there it's like so like, Oh, my gosh! Like, how do you land this into the human 3D.
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Ana Jones: But the example. And I'm probably going to butcher this. It's okay. I can come back and make justice. But it said something along the lines of like the famous like, I want to have a million dollars. And so it's like when something seems so far away from you.
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Ana Jones: Can you start asking questions?
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Ana Jones: Normalize the process of getting there? So she gave examples of like, you know
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Ana Jones: they there. I'm I'm sure there are other people in the world who desire to be a millionaire.
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Ana Jones: I wonder what got them there?
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Ana Jones: I wonder how they got there. I wonder
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Ana Jones: how they were like when they were thinking like me before they got to make
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Ana Jones: before they got to be a millionaire. And it's just like the questions right? The wonder versus worry.
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Ana Jones: Vibe, that it's like, how can I ask these questions and play with life and play with what energies are being thrown at me, and I'm like catching them instead of just being like Oh, oh, there we go! There goes one! There's like we're not supposed to just be passerbys, if we want to do something, you know, like
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Ana Jones: Grand with our lives, whatever that means to you, whatever grand is. But take these opportunities right, and ask yourself these questions. So you feel closer to your your dream, to your desire, whatever that may be. I've used the 1 million dollars because that's what she used. And that's what a lot of people desire. But it's like, what do you crave? You can go, even, you know, further than the 1 million dollars. Because a million dollars provides you. Freedom
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Ana Jones: provides you with so much spaciousness, right? Which is something that we love and we desire. So it's like, okay, who could I be helping? Who could I be supporting? What would I be doing? How would I be spending my time and this and that, and whatever comes up, if there's guilt or shame be like, All right, cool. I see you. Thank you. Peace out! We don't need to spiral into the the whirlpool of of shame and guilt.
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Laura Mazzotta: And I think that is also beautifully prevented by doing what you were saying earlier, which is finding something that you're excited about each day right, and not searching for it, but just allowing it to come to you and allowing yourself to get excited
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Laura Mazzotta: like that example earlier with work for me. It's like I'm allowed to let myself get excited about work without being attached to the fact that that's what I'm excited about, because the fact is, we're just meant to feel excited like, let yourself just feel that and don't be attached to like, okay? Well, maybe tomorrow I won't be excited about work. Okay, maybe you won't be. Maybe you'll be excited about going for a hike.
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Laura Mazzotta: Maybe you'll be excited about sleeping right like whatever. And so it's being able to meet Desire in that moment, and recognizing that, like one of my favorite examples of this is Jay Shetty and his wife
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Laura Mazzotta: right, who decide every year right. They sit down and they're just like, Do we want to continue being married to each other for another year? And it's beautiful because it's like.
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Laura Mazzotta: Yes, I get to claim what I desire right now.
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Laura Mazzotta: and I also don't get. I don't have to grip onto this, as this has to be the desire that I claim for the rest of my life. Right? I get to choose to. And that's just an example to bring in what I'm talking about here, which is that I can choose to be excited about this right now, and not have this like pre shame over the fact that I might not crave it tomorrow, or I might not have desire for it tomorrow, right like, ultimately. Yes, you're still going to have
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Laura Mazzotta: desires that feel bigger, that feel longer term or that need to continue to be refined. And then you're going to have smaller desires. But recognizing that really, what you're doing is playing with that vibe like you were talking about playing with the energy that's coming into your field in whatever form it's arriving
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Laura Mazzotta: right and not being like like questioning yourself like, why do I desire that? You know? Like, Oh, that's weird, right? And it's like, Okay, just let yourself desire it, even if you don't follow through with action and actually doing it like, just let yourself desire it and be like, okay, that's funny. I just desire that.
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Ana Jones: Yeah. And also knowing that
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Ana Jones: many of the desires that can that come up aren't actually yours. If it's something like you, you have, you have discernment upon the desires right? I used to have a friend that she was like. I have this fantasy of getting gang banged, but she's like.
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Ana Jones: but honestly like in real life. Do I want that? No, like I would die.
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Ana Jones: I would die if that happened like I would freak out. I would like my nervous system would just like, go completely out of whack. And we were just laughing about it. Because it's like, Yeah, it's so true. Like, there are these like fantasies, desires these like things that are so taboo. But they come into our field right for whatever reason, and I think that the more we can laugh about it, or can just be like Oh, my gosh! Can you imagine if I got gangbang like what like? Oh, my! Gosh! Imagine like, can you? If you can just like, make fun of whatever that like
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Ana Jones: crazy quote, unquote desire or fantasy is, it's like you're still playing.
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Ana Jones: You're still having fun. You're not taking things too seriously. And so I think that's
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Ana Jones: where I personally have found that it's just so freeing.
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Ana Jones: It's so freeing because you don't take things so personally you don't get involved in like am I left, or am I right? Am I this am I that it's like
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Ana Jones: who fucking cares like. I don't have to give account. I'm not. I don't have to give, you know. I don't have to render accounts to anybody about my thoughts, my bank account. My my life in general. It's like that's for me
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Ana Jones: that's for me, and I think that we've lost that sense of play, because now ever it's everything is like, Oh, you're going to get canceled, or you can't say that, or you can't do that. It's like who fucking cares, you know, like everyone is meant to have their opinion, not everybody's going to have the same opinion. So why are we making such a big deal out of this? Anyways?
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Laura Mazzotta: Yeah. And you know what that makes me think of Anna is like.
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Laura Mazzotta: I think one of the reasons that we can end up in some of these subconscious patterns and doubts. And you know, narratives that run through our minds from like our families of origin, is because when we do feel like. Oh, if I admit to this desire, if I go do this thing that might seem zany or off the beaten path, you know it's
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Laura Mazzotta: where am I going to belong.
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Laura Mazzotta: you know, kind of like we talked about in the 1st episode, where it's like, you know, our primal nervous system and feeling like, well, I'm going to get kicked out of the tribe, you know. If I make choice X or Y instead of Z, it's like we. We then our nervous systems default to our original sense of belonging in this lifetime.
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Laura Mazzotta: you know. And we go back to that family of origin pattern, or those narratives. And it's like, Okay, well, I'm safe here. At least I know that I have a tie here, and that's not a conscious thing, right like that's not a conscious process. But I do think
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Laura Mazzotta: that that's something that that shows up that we automatically bring in these narratives that feel like they tether us. And it's like, no, no, no, no, I don't need to be tethered there, because I'm tethered up there. I'm tethered in here, and I actually know exactly where I'm going without
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Laura Mazzotta: having necessarily a clear, tangible, concrete vision, like stepwise of exactly what this is going to look like and how it's going to unfold, but like in my heart of hearts. I know exactly where I'm going, you know, and I think that's the tether that is meant to hold us going forward that, or being in presence of spirit in the moment as well, and knowing that
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Laura Mazzotta: that we do have that anchor that's always within us and always with us
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Laura Mazzotta: that gives us that choice of discernment that gives us space to do that at our own pace. And I think you're exactly right in terms of not taking things so seriously right? Because it all seems like this life and death thing. And it's like great great. If you put a video up on Instagram, and people make fun of you, and it's killing you too much. Take it down like you know, it's like nothing. Nothing is permanent.
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Laura Mazzotta: nothing is permanent, and I think that's what we we forget. And we latch onto so much rather than you know. One of the things we take reasons we take things so personally is because
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Laura Mazzotta: we haven't fully anchored in
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Laura Mazzotta: taking our own selves personally, like like you said earlier like, that's mine. That's for me. Have you really allowed yourself to let that be for you.
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Ana Jones: Yeah.
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Laura Mazzotta: And just been in presence with that for you and with you, and like, appreciate your desire just like you did this morning. Saying like today is gonna be the best day, and like allowing yourself to just bask in that and just be with that.
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Ana Jones: Yeah, yeah. And I mean, can you? I always tell people I'm like, this is your only life.
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Ana Jones: like not to put any pressure on it. But like this is your only life, like you know what I mean like, are you really enjoying your life like? Are you really
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Ana Jones: like I? And I'm not saying like, be fully present in every single moment, because sometimes you can't right. But sometimes there's a lot of stuff going on, but it's like.
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Ana Jones: just enjoy it. And and I and I get that. There are a lot of things that you know
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Ana Jones: run through our heads. But at the end of the day.
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Ana Jones: If we have the privilege of aging to the you know, to like 80 90 God knows how long we're going to age now. But, like.
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Ana Jones: can we say that we lived a really like just a beautiful, fulfilling, wholesome life like can you be? Can you just accept that? You're a weirdo, and you're spiritual and your intellectual. And you're rounded. And you're whatever you know. We're all freaks like we're all freaks in one way or another to someone.
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Ana Jones: and I just like life for me, life too short to to keep my freak in.
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Ana Jones: You know, if I hear some music, and I like want to bust a move like what I'm on the street and like, no one's there like, I want to do those things and to maybe some people are like, what's that's not even weird, but like to me that feel still feels like, Oh, my gosh! I could never do that. But I can. You know what I mean. So it's just like, sometimes we think like, Oh, being a freak, it's it's not so much like doing something that's so extraordinary. But it's something that you feel like you really want to do
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Ana Jones: and like you're you're holding yourself back because of that, when in reality
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Ana Jones: everyone else is dying to do the same, and they don't do it. So it's like, we're all living in this fucking big cage
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Ana Jones: that we've put on ourselves because we're like, Oh, yeah, I thought, wait, but I thought you were the one that wanted the cage. No, no, you wanted the cage. No, I didn't want the cage, so did you want it? No. Did you want it? No. Did you want it? No. So we're all like updating the fact that we don't want to live in a fucking cage anymore.
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Ana Jones: And so it's, you know.
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Laura Mazzotta: Funny that you're saying this because it. This is literally exactly the reading that I was doing this morning in one of Marianne Williamson's books. I think it's
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Laura Mazzotta: Oh, no, maybe it was Melody Beattie, return to the heart and and she was talking exactly about this. Which is this concept of it was about freedom. I'm like, Oh, look at that. And we're recording today. And she was talking about how
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Laura Mazzotta: you know, we we actually agree to have our freedom stifled.
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Laura Mazzotta: even if we don't feel we're in conscious agreement of that right, because we might not be aware of it when we're younger things like that. We agree. Our souls at some level agreed for us to kind of stifle that for a period of time. But then we have that recognition of Oh, wait! That's been stifled, and we get a little pissy and a little feisty there for a little bit right. But then it's like, actually, freedom's been with me all along.
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Laura Mazzotta: Right. Freedom's been with me all along, and when we return to that part of ourselves, and we allow it to be expressed. We recognize that everybody we do interact with in this lifetime has signed up to witness that part of ourselves to witness all of ourselves. And it's funny, because, as my children see me continuing to come more and more into my own.
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Laura Mazzotta: it's like, I'll do things. And they're just like, Oh, my gosh, mom, like Mom, they're embarrassed by me, or whatever it is. And I'm just like dude feel. However, you want to feel like this is me. Take me or leave me. You know what I mean, and it's I, just. I just want to be fully expressed, and I don't want to be. I don't want to fit myself into any boxes
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Laura Mazzotta: anymore. We do that so much. And I think that's part of the human condition. And so I think it's something that, like, you know. Don't be hard on yourself. Don't kick yourself if you feel that you've had those experiences and just recognize them and be like, Yeah, I recognize them, and I can have my little temper tantrum about it if I want to. But then guess what? Choose what you can. Now taste right like. Choose what you can now see and be like. Oh, yes, I am finally free.
00:24:37.868 --> 00:24:52.059
Ana Jones: Yeah, I feel like, the only reason I would want to have kids is to just annoy them when they're teenagers and just, be like, just you know what I mean, like just fucking like, embarrass them. And then, like Mom, and I'm just like what.
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Laura Mazzotta: And I.
00:24:52.680 --> 00:24:55.619
Ana Jones: Have, like the best time ever at their expense.
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Laura Mazzotta: Oh, yeah, it's very enjoyable. It's very enjoyable. And it's beautiful, because whether they consciously recognize it or not, it actually really opens them. And you'll witness that in other people. And that's, I think that's what we'll leave you with today is to recognize, to really look for that and other people to just observe how other people can open
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Laura Mazzotta: and expand in their own authenticity, even if at the same time they're looking at you like what the fuck is. You know what I mean.
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Ana Jones: Yeah.
00:25:25.420 --> 00:25:27.069
Laura Mazzotta: Yeah, so.
00:25:27.070 --> 00:25:27.810
Ana Jones: That's true.
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Laura Mazzotta: Thank you so much for joining us for this episode, guys, we are going to sign off for now. But we will see you very, very soon.
00:25:35.820 --> 00:25:39.390
Laura Mazzotta: and have a beautiful, free, and fabulous day. Bye.
00:25:39.520 --> 00:25:40.530
Ana Jones: Got it.