This is your chance to really look yourself in the eye.
You say you want all the things, but where are you in your process to actualizing what you desire? Even if you’re killin’ it, is there room to expand and make this even bigger? Even more desirable?
This workshop is a safe and bold space for answering:
Where are you avoiding? Where are you hiding from yourself? Where are you denying yourself? Where are you desiring to feel more alive?
You desire bold self-expression, and really turning toward and being honest with yourself about 1) what you want, 2) what you no longer want, and 3) exactly what your life would look like if you could create it.
You’re scared to face this because you could alienate some of the things you’ve attached to, if you actually followed through (whether it’s a role (like parent, friend, or partner), relationship, home/location, income, title, educational commitment, etc).
You know following natural desire and soul nudges is what takes you more easefully to the finish line but there’s something holding you back. You can’t quite put your finger on it.
You’re eager to identify where you’re currently avoiding, so you can uncover the hidden wisdom you’ve been looking for and unlock your next level.
That’s what this space is about. We are going to meet over Zoom for about 75 minutes. We are going to face ourselves, in a compassionate, gentle, and honest way, telling ourselves, first and foremost, what we are denying about the ideal life we want to live.
When we do this, we communicate these desires to the universe. We remove the obstacles, limiting beliefs, and nagging patterns that seem to block us. The fact is, we are never blocked. We are just being called into a level of ourselves we are unfamiliar with.
In this workshop, we get to hold hands with one another as we recognize these truths and step forward into what feels like the unknown, but is actually divinely guided, inspired, and planned.
Because of the sacred and intimate nature of this gathering, there is an energetic exchange of $40 USD. You can grab your spot at the link below. IYKYK. I can’t wait to see you there!