Book Resources

If you’re here, you’ve read or are reading my book, Holistic Mental Health, Holistic Mental Health Volume 2, or my chapter in The Ancestors Within, Sacred Medicine or The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Techniques. Thank you! I hope you’re enjoying it! This page is to provide you with the resources I’ve discussed in each book. You may scroll down to find the one you’re looking for. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to send me an email HERE. Would you like a signed copy? You can get one HERE!

Holistic Mental Health Volume 2


Are you ready to welcome and fall in love with every part of you, no matter how your ego judges and labels these parts, so you can feel immense freedom and self-love?

Know that you’re welcome to pause this exercise any time you feel too far beyond your comfort zone or in need of greater support. Listen to your body and intuition first and foremost. Unless you’ve recently experienced a traumatic event, I encourage you to extend yourself a bit beyond your comfort zone before pausing to soothe and offer compassion to your nervous system.

Holistic Mental Health Volume 2

Are you ready to welcome and fall in love with every part of you, no matter how your ego judges and labels these parts, so you can feel immense freedom and self-love?

Know that you’re welcome to pause this exercise any time you feel too far beyond your comfort zone or in need of greater support. Listen to your body and intuition first and foremost. Unless you’ve recently experienced a traumatic event, I encourage you to extend yourself a bit beyond your comfort zone before pausing to soothe and offer compassion to your nervous system.

Grab Your Copy of Holistic Mental Health Volume 2!
Purchase Volume 1 Here!
Check Out My Range of Digital Programs
Book 1:1 Customized Support with Laura

Holistic Mental Health Volume 1


Receive this loving meditation as a way to deeply immerse yourself into the frequency of your soul. The more consistently you return to this practice, the more tangible results you will feel and the more change will just automatically show up in your life. Enjoy!

Holistic Mental Health Volume 1

Receive this loving meditation as a way to deeply immerse yourself into the frequency of your soul. The more consistently you return to this practice, the more tangible results you will feel and the more change will just automatically show up in your life. Enjoy!

Grab your free "Meet Your Core Self" Journal to shift from external to internal validation!
Grab your Signed copy of Holistic Mental Health Here
Grab your copy of Holistic Mental Health Here

The Ancestors Within, Volume 3 


Use this invocation to call in your ancestor and adjust to their presence. Then continue with the steps in the chapter! Enjoy and thank you!

Calling In Your Ancestors 

Use this invocation to call in your ancestor and adjust to their presence. Then continue with the steps in the chapter! Enjoy and thank you!

Purchase Your Signed Copy of The Ancestors Within Here
Sacred Medicine Chanting Demonstration

Sacred Medicine Chanting Demonstration

Purchase Your Signed Copy of Sacred Medicine Here

The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Techniques, Volume 1

Tapping / EFT Demonstration
Purchase Your Signed Copy of The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Techniques Here

For a chart clarifying the tapping points, you may click here. You can also access more video demonstrations on my YouTube channel. Please Like & Subscribe while you’re there! Here is one video on Generalized Anxiety to get you started:

Click Here To Join My Free Facebook Group
Receive 7 free meditations to rewire your subconscious mind & instantly soothe and activate your energy into the highest form of yourself!


What is an Akashic Therapist?


I have been a therapist for over 19 years and began my healing journey in the spiritual and energetic world about 6 years ago. I was primarily drawn to this new area of study due to medical challenges. I have since discovered the depth of energy healing, and how it is such a powerful companion to therapeutic work.

The primary modality I use is The Akashic Records, and I guide people to healing using a number of tools within that space: Some of these tools are EFT, Reiki, current & past life regressions, ancestral healing, future life journeys, reprogramming limiting beliefs, inner child healing, forgiveness work (Ho’oponopono), and narrative writing.

The Akashic Records have completely changed my life. They truly hold infinite possibilities for your soul and in this lifetime. The level of efficiency and effectiveness with which I, my clients, and my loved ones have experienced in this space is greater than I consciously thought possible. You will access immense ease, energy, and confidence as you become intimately connected to this space.


It is now my clear purpose to guide mission-driven souls to heal deeply and profoundly, to sharpen and enliven their intuitive gifts, so they can realize the true seat of power within and optimize lifelong health and vitality.


As you can probably tell, I'm also a huge advocate of holistic mental health.

Holistic Mental Health includes all layers of being: physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual. The western medicine and mental health worlds do not dive deeply enough into how these layers uniquely present for each individual.

Let's customize your own path of healing & expansion, and ditch indecision, chronic symptoms, and burnout, by intimately knowing & appreciating these layers of who you are, confidently owning your multifaceted gifts, and listening to your own valuable voice! 

We need more confident, spunky humans on this planet! I'm here to guide you in getting there. I guarantee you will feel massively empowered, loved, and liberated after our work together.

What is an Akashic Therapist?

I have been a therapist for over 19 years and began my healing journey in the spiritual and energetic world about 6 years ago. I was primarily drawn to this new area of study due to medical challenges. I have since discovered the depth of energy healing, and how it is such a powerful companion to therapeutic work.

The primary modality I use is The Akashic Records, and I guide people to healing using a number of tools within that space: Some of these tools are EFT, Reiki, current & past life regressions, ancestral healing, future life journeys, reprogramming limiting beliefs, inner child healing, forgiveness work (Ho’oponopono), and narrative writing.

The Akashic Records have completely changed my life. They truly hold infinite possibilities for your soul and in this lifetime. The level of efficiency and effectiveness with which I, my clients, and my loved ones have experienced in this space is greater than I consciously thought possible. You will access immense ease, energy, and confidence as you become intimately connected to this space.


It is now my clear purpose to guide mission-driven souls to heal deeply and profoundly, to sharpen and enliven their intuitive gifts, so they can realize the true seat of power within and optimize lifelong health and vitality.


As you can probably tell, I'm also a huge advocate of holistic mental health.

Holistic Mental Health includes all layers of being: physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual. The western medicine and mental health worlds do not dive deeply enough into how these layers uniquely present for each individual.

Let's customize your own path of healing & expansion, and ditch indecision, chronic symptoms, and burnout, by intimately knowing & appreciating these layers of who you are, confidently owning your multifaceted gifts, and listening to your own valuable voice! 

We need more confident, spunky humans on this planet! I'm here to guide you in getting there. I guarantee you will feel massively empowered, loved, and liberated after our work together.

Get started by meeting with me 1:1 HERE!