Are you ready to know exactly what you want (without outside influence), fully accept who you uniquely are, & master your intuition, relationships, and self-leadership (aka confidence)?

If you would rather watch a 20 Minute video about VITALITY you can click HERE!
This is the space to:Â
- Understand how your energy uniquely operates so you can flow with it (rather than keeping up with expectations or reaching an agenda of the mind) and feel a greater sense of ease and calm.Â
- Come into clarity about how universal energy operates through, and with you, so you can take next steps more confidently, having greater discernment about what's meant for you.
- Feel more loving as you claim full ownership for your internal responses and don't make it about anyone or anything else (aka blame and old stories that no longer serve).
- Feel more deeply loved by the universe, yourself, and those around you. As you step further into authenticity, you magnetize people who expand you and encourage your highest joy.
- Welcome self-acceptance as various parts of you come forward to be seen. Held in the safety of this experience, you will lighten your state of being by clearing old patterns and belief systems.
- Witness the potency of your own energy as others in this space reflect the powerful and brilliant wisdom you share and embody.
- Expand your consciousness to interact with the world from a higher perspective, not getting so caught up in irrelevant details of the human sauce.
- Regulate your nervous system and expand your capacity to hold the whole spectrum of your emotional and physical experience. You're not meant to be calm and high energy 24/7 but you are fully capable of meeting yourself exactly where you are with compassion, patience, grace, and deep faith. This is the foundation for sustaining vitality, intimacy, and growth long term.Â
- Clarify and refine your personal relationship with God/Source/Spirit/The Universe/Your Soul/Your Higher Self. You get to palpably feel this relationship and actualize its impact through your entire body and energy field. What results is deliberate action that feels naturally guided by your soul's direction.

Intended Structure Of This Program
"I'm so so grateful for your guidance and support in my healing journey...all the things you helped guide me honor this time as sacred, that slowing down & being still is healing, the deeper healing that needed to take place outside my physical symptoms, that I am completely supported by my loved ones, angels and guides which brings me so much peace, to continue to have faith, that healing is not linear, that I need to feel joy and have fun along the way..that I will be okay and there's a more incredible joyous life ahead I know that because of YOU I will continue to move forward. You are a gift, Laura. Working with you saved me. I am so incredibly grateful for you.” ~ Donna

“The impact you have have made in my personal life has transformed me in so many ways!! The insight, expansion, and growth has been life changing!!! I feel so confident in not only who I am, but where I am going. This connection doesn't end either!! I will always be here I feel we are sisters and I am eternally grateful to have you in my life. I will definitely miss the calls & this sacred space but I will continue with the intuitive practices till the end!!!! xoxoxo. ” - Anonymous

Let’s Recap: What Does it Actually Look Like to Be in This Program?

"Holy cow, you have been instrumental in so many ways! Your guidance has helped me make very important decisions that have improved the quality of my career and personal life tremendously. You have helped me come closer to understanding what makes me feel my best and stay true to that in every turn. There tiny decisions that result in excellent results. That may sound small, but it's HUGE. I appreciate you every day!!!"